
 2003年以前の Publications (1992年以後)


Contribution of hydrogen bonding to the slow diffusion of transient radicals
K.Okamoto, Y.Nogami, T.Tominaga, M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett., 372,419-422(2003).

Diffusion of transient radicals in alcohols and cyclohexane from ambient to supercritical conditions studied by the transient grating method
T.Ohmori, Y.Kimura, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.B, 107,5958-5966(2003).

Transient thermal expansion of a protein in solution after photo-excitation of the chromophore: deoxymyoglobin
R.Miyata, M.Terazima, Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn., 76,1707-1712(2003).

Photoreaction of caged ATP compound studied by the time-resolved transient grating method
J.Choi, M.Terazima, Photochem.Photobiol.Sci., 2,767-773(2003).

A novel method for study of protein folding kinetics by monitoring diffusion coefficient in time domain
T.Nada, M.Terazima, Biophys.J., 85,1876-1881(2003).

Photochemical reaction of 2-nitrobenzaldehyde by monitoring the diffusion coefficient
J.Choi, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.B, 107, 9552-9557(2003).

Photothermal processes on a fast time scale: a small molecule and a biological protein
R.Miyata, M.Terazima, Rev.Sci.Instrum.,74, 884-888(2003).

Energy releasing and conformational dynamics of stilbene dendrimers upon photoisomerization
H.Tatewaki, T.Mizutani, J.Hayakawa, T.Arai, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 107, 6515-6521(2003).

Study on the femtosecond laser-induced refractive index change in a silicate glass by transient lens method
M.Sakakura, M.Terazima, Rev.Sci.Instrum., 74, 892-894(2003).

Vibrational Energy Relaxation of Azulene in Fluids Studied by the Transient Grating Method
Y. Kimura , Y. Yamamoto, and M. Terazima, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Photochemistry, 221, (2003).

Energy and Volume Changes Induced by Photoinitiated Proton Releasing Reaction with Apomyoglobin
J.Choi, M.Terazima, Rev.Sci.Instrum.,74,319-321(2003).

Nonradiative recombination processes of carriers in InGaN’GaN probed by the microscopic transient lens spectroscopy
K.Okamoto, K.Inoue, Y.Kawakami, S.Fujita, M.Terazima, A.Tsujimura I.Kidoguchi, Rev.Sci.Instrum.,74,575-577(2003).

寺嶋正秀、レーザー研究, 31, 195-201(2003).

寺嶋正秀、医学のあゆみ, 204,751-752(2003).

化学便覧 第5版(14章、(14.5.1 - 14.5.3) 屈折率)丸善

寺嶋正秀、化学、58, 31-34(2003).

寺嶋正秀、熱測定、29, 208-216(2003).


Themodynamical and transport properties of intermediate states of photo-cyclic reaction of photoactive yellow protein
K.Takeshita, Y.Imamoto, M.Kataoka, F.Tokunaga, M.Terazima, Biochemistry, 41,3037-3048(2002).

Structural dynamics of distal histidine replaced mutants of myoglobin accompanied with the photodissociation reaction of the ligand
M.Sakakura, I.Morishima, M.Terazima, Biochemistry,41, 4837-4846(2002).

Energetics and Volume Changes of the Intermediates in the Photolysis of Octopus Rhodopsin at a physiological temperature
Y. Nishioku, M. Nakagawa, M. Tsuda, M.Terazima, Biophy.J.83,1136-1146(2002).

Structural change of site-directed mutants of PYP: New dynamics during pR state
K.Takeshita, Y.Imamoto, M.Kataoka, K. Mihara, F.Tokunaga, M.Terazima, Biophys.J., 83, 1567-1577(2002).

Denaturation of a protein monitored by diffusion coefficients: Myoglobin
J.Choi, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.B, 106,6587-6593(2002).

The study on the femtosecond laser-induced refractive index change in a silicate glass by transient lens method
M.Sakakura, M.Terazima, Rev.Sci.Instrum., 74, 892-894(2002).

Energy and Volume Changes Induced by Photo-initiated Proton Releasing Reaction with Apomyoglobin
J.Choi, M.Terazima, Rev.Sci.Instrum.,74,319-321(2003).

Photothermal processes on a fast time scale: a small molecule and a biological protein
R.Miyata, M.Terazima, 74, 884-888(2003).

Molecular volume and enthalpy changes associated with irreversible photo-reactions
M. Terazima, J.Photochem.Photobiol.C,24,1-28(2002).




A pH jump reaction studied by the transient grating method: Photodissociation of o-nitro-benzaldehyde
J.Choi, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 105,12-18(2001).

Dynamics of structure and energy of horse carboxymyoglobin after photodissociation of the carbon monoxide
M.Sakakura, S.Yamaguchi, N.Hirota, M.Terazima,J.Am.Chem.Soc., 123, 4286-4294(2001).

A spectrally silent transformation in the photolysis of octopus rhodopsin: a protein conformational change without any accompanying change of the chromophore’s absorption.
Y. Nishioku, M. Nakagawa, M. Tsuda, M.Terazima, Biophy.J.,80,2922-2927(2001).

Translational Diffusion of Ion Radicals Created by Electron Transfer in Charged Micellar Solutions probed by the Transient Grating Method and the Taylor Dispersion Method
K.Okamoto, N. Hirota, T.Tominaga, M. Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 105, 6586-6593(2001).

Thermal diffusivities and sound velocities of supercritical methanol and ethanol measured by the transient grating method
T.Ohmori, Y.Kimura, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 3, 3994-4000 (2001).

The structural dynamics and ligand releasing process after the photodissociation of sperm whale carboxymyoglobin
M.Sakakura, I.Morishima, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.B,105,10424-10434(2001).

Carrier dynamics in InGaN/GaN SQW structure probed by the transient grating method with subpicosecond pulsed laesr.
K.Okamoto, A.Kaneta, K.Inoue, Y.Kawakami, M.Terazima, G.Shinomiya, T.Mukai, Sg.Fujita, Phys.Stat.Sol.,228,81 -84(2001).

Energy conversion process from the photoexcited electronic states studied by the temperature lens and acoustic peak delay methods in solution.
T.Okazaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Mol.Liq., 90,243-249(2001).

Rate limitation of photothermal effect in solution
R.Miyata, M.Terazima, Anal.Sci., 17, s231-s233(2001).

Study on photodissociation of carboxymyoglobin by the transient grating and photoacoustic methods
M.Sakakura, N.Hirota, K.Konishi, I.Morishima, M.Terazima, Anal.Sci., 17, s317-s319(2001).

The energy and dynamics of photoreaction intermediates of octopus rhodopsin studied by the transient grating method
Y.Nishioku, N.Hirota, M.Nakagawa, M.Tsuda, M.Terazima, Anal.Sci., 17, s323-s325(2001).

The structural change and energy dynamics in the photocycle of photoactive yellow protein
K.Takeshita, N.Hirota, Y.Imamoto, M.Kataoka, F.Tokunaga, M.Terazima, Anal.Sci., 17, s320-s322(2001).

Photothermal processes of wide-bandgap semiconductors probed by the transient grating method.
K.Okamoto, Y.Kawakami, S.Fujita, M.Terazima, Anal.Sci., 17, s312-s314(2001).

Energy dissipation process of photoexcited charge transfer complexes in fluids studied by the transient grating.
N.Saga, Y.Kimura, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, Anal.Sci., 17, s234-s236(2001).

Energy and volume changes on the pH jump process studied by the transient grating technique
J.Choi, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Anal.Sci., 17, s13-s15(2001).

寺嶋正秀、化学工業, 52,254-261(2001).

Protein dynamics detected by the time-resolved transient grating technique
M.Terazima, Pure Appl.Chem., 73, 513-517(2001).

Carrier dynamics in InGaN/GaN SQW structure probed by the transient grating method with subpicosecond pulsed laser.
K.Okamoto, A.Kaneta, K.inoue, Y.Kawakami, M.Terazima, G.Shinomiya, T.Mukai, SG.Fujita, Phys.Stat.Sol.,228,81-84(2001).

Energy transfer from photoexcited electronic states to the thermal modes
M.Terazima, Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.,74,595-611(2001).

Nonradiative Recombination Processes in GaN-based Semiconductors Probed by the Transient Grating Method.
K. Okamoto, Y. Kawakami, S. Fujita, M. Terazima, and S. Nakamura, Proc.Int.Workshop on Nitrede Semiconductors IPAP Conf. Series 1.540-543(2001).

寺嶋正秀、化学 56, 62-63 (2001).

Microscopic Patterning on the Polysilane Films by the Laser Induced Grating Technique.
K. Okamoto, T. Tojo, H. Tada, M. Terazima, K. Matsushige, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 370, 370-382 (2001).
Direct observation of the nonradiative recombination processes in InGaN-based LEDs probed by the third-order nonlinear spectroscopy
K.Okamoto, S.Sajiou, Y.Kawakami, S.Fujita, M.Terazima, G.Shimomiya, T.Mukai,
Light-Emitting Diodes: Research, manufacturing, and Applications V,4278,150-157(2001).


Time-resolved EPR and optical studies of intermoiety interactions in the lowest triplet state of L-shaped dimers of naphthalene: Conformation dependence of excitation exchange interaction
M.Terazima, J.Cai, E.C.Lim, J.Phys.Chem.A, 104,1662-1669(2000).

Radical diffusion measured by the transient grating in a short time scale.
A.Ukai, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett.,319,427-433(2000).

Enthalpy change and reaction volumes of photoisomerization reactions in solution: Azobenzene and p-coumaric acid
K.Takeshita, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Photochem.Photobio.A,134,103-109(2000).

Diffusion of organic molecules in the excited triplet states detected by the transient grating with a high wavenumber
A.Ukai, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 104,6681-6688(2000).

Temperature dependent volume change of initial step of the photoreaction of Photoactive Yellow Protein studied by the transient grating
K.Takeshita, N.Hirota, Y.Imamoto, M.Kataoka, F.Tokunaga, M.Terazima, J.Am.Chem.Soc., 122,8524-8528(2000).

Photothermalization processes of charge transfer complexes in liquids studied by the transient grating method
N.Saga, Y.Kimura, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett., 332,496-502(2000).

Diffusion of a radical from an initiator of a free radical polymerization: a radical from AIBN
M. Terazima, Y. Nogami, T. Tominaga, Chem.Phys.Lett., 332,503-507(2000).

寺嶋正秀, 季刊化学総説「超高速化学ダイナミクス:ピコ、フェムト秒領域の化学」,91-102、学会出版センター(2000)

Translational diffusion of organic radicals in solution
M.Terazima, Acc.Chem.Res.,33,687-694(2000).


Translational motion and isomerization reaction near a solid/liquid interface by the interface sensitive transient grating method
N.Nakajima, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Photochem.Photobio.A, 120,1-9(1999).

Vibrational relaxation from electronically photoexcited states in solution studied by the acoustic peak delay method: Hydrogen bonding effect to Betaine-30
M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett., 305,189-196(1999).

Laser induced capillary wave at air/liquid interfaces in time domain.
K.Yasumoto, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Appl.Phys.Lett., 74,1495-1497(1999).

Optical heterodyne detected transient grating for studies of photochemical reactions and solution dynamics
M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett.,304,343-349(1999).

High temporal and spatial resolved thermal energy detection after nonradiative transition in solution using a molecular heater-molecular thermometer integrated system.
T.Okazaki, N.Hirota, T.Nagata, A.Osuka, M.Terazima, J.Am.Chem.Soc., 121,5079-5080(1999).

Thermalization process after the relaxation of electronically excited states: intramolecular proton transfer systems studied by the transient grating method.
T.Okazaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Chem.Phys., 110,11399-11410(1999).

Photodissociation quantum yield of iodine in the low-, medium-, and high-density fluids studied by the transient grating method
H.Ooe, Y.Kimura, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, J.Phys.Chem.A, 103,7730-7741(1999).

Optical heterodyne detected transient grating for the separation of phase and amplitude gratings
M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 103,7401-7407(1999).

Surface and molecular dynamics at gas-liquid interface probed by the interface sensitive forced light scattering in time domain.
K.Yasumoto, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Phys.Rev.B, 60,9100-9115(1999).

Spatially resolved thermalization dynamics of electronically photoexcited azulene probed by a molecular integrated thermometer
T.Okazaki, N.Hirota, T.Nagata, A.Osuka, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 103,9591-9600(1999).

寺嶋正秀, 分光研究増刊号、日本分光学会(1999).

A new method to detect ultrafast thermalization after nonradiative transition in solution: A peak delay of the acoustic signal.
M.Terazima, Photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena, American Institute of Physics, (New York) 439-441(1999).

Laser induced capillary wave at air/liquid interfaces
K.Yasumoto, N.Hirota, M.Terazima,Photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena, American Institute of Physics, (New York) 484-486(1999).

Ultrafast photothermalization process of azulene probed by a molecular thermometer
T.Okazaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena, American Institute of Physics, (New York) 442-444(1999).

寺嶋正秀, 表面, 37,385-395(1999).

4th Gordon Research Conference on photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena
寺嶋正秀, 光化学, 30,279-280(1999).

寺嶋正秀, 物性研究, 73, 102-122(1999).


Diffusion of electrically neutral radicals and anion radicals created by photochemical reactions.
K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Chem.Soc.Farad.Trans., 94,185-194(1998).

Heat of reaction and reaction volume for the formation of ethers from diazo compounds in methanol.
S.Yamaguchi, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett., 286,284-290(1998).

Reaction enthalpy and reaction volume changes upon photoenolization; 2-methylbenzophenone
M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 102,545-551(1998).

Relaxation of nitrobenzene from the excited singlet state.
M.Takezaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Chem.Phys., 108,4685-4686(1998).

Diffusion of photochemical intermediate radicals in water/ethanol mixed solvents.
K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 102,3447-3454(1998).

Translational diffusion of chemically active species; carbenes and carbonyloxides.
M.Terazima, K.Hirai, H.Tomioka, Chem.Phys.Lett., 289,253-260(1998).

Thermalization after photoexcitation to the S2 state of trans-azobenzene in solution.
M.Terazima, M.Takezaki, S.Yamaguchi, N.Hirota, J.Chem.Phys., 109,603-609(1998).

Photothermal studies of photophysical and photochemical processes by the transient grating method
M.Terazima, Adv.Photochem., vol.24,255-338(1998).

Solvent density dependence of the photolysis quantum yield in supercritical fluids
Y.Kimura, K.Sugihara, H.Ooe, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, Rev.High Pressure Sci.Technol.,7,1259-1261(1998).

Transient lens spectroscopy in a fast time scale.
M.Terazima, Israel J. Chem., 38,143-157(1998).

非線形光学分光:原理と応用 励起状態生成と非線形光学効果
寺嶋正秀 分光研究、47,230-244(1998)


Nonradiative relaxation processes and electronically excited states of nitrobenzene studied by picosecond time-resolved transient grating method.
M.Takezaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 101,3443-3448(1997).

Picosecond time-resolved transient grating method for heat detection;Excited state dynamics of FeCl3 and o-hydroxybenzophenone in aqueous solution.
T.Okazaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 101,650-655(1997).

Response to "Comment on Refractive index change by photothermal effect with a constant density detected as temperature grating in various fluids".
M.Terazima, J.Chem.Phys., 106,1298-1299(1997).

The third order nonlinear optical properties of porphyrin oligomers.
M.Terazima, H.Shimizu, A.Osuka, J.Appl.Phys., 81, 2946-2951(1997).

CIDEP studies in low frequency microwave regions. magnetic field dependence of the CIDEP of spin-correlated radical pairs.
K.Ohara, Y.Miura, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, J.Phys.Chem.A,101,605-611(1997).

Solvent density dependence of translational diffusion of transient radicals in the medium density region of trifluoromethane and carbon dioxide.
Y.Kimura, D.Kanda, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, J.Phys.Chem.B, 101,4442-4447(1997).

Two methods of two-step excitation thermal grating technique for detection of transient absorption and stimulated emission.
M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 101,3227-3234(1997).

Diffusion process of the benzyl radical created by photodissociation probed by the transient grating method.
K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A, 101,5269-5277(1997).

Geometry and energies of nitrobenzene studied by CAS-SCF calculation.
M.Takezaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, H.Sato, T.Nakajima, S.Kato, J.Phys.Chem.A,101,5190-5195(1997).

Molecular diffusion of a monolayer on water surface detected by the transient grating method.
K.Tanzawa, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett., 274,159-164(1997).

Comments on "Diffusion of free radicals in solution; TEMPO, diphenylpicrylhydrazyl and nitrosodisulfonate".
K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.A,101,5380-5381(1997).

Studies on the photolysis quantum yield of phenyldisulfide by the transient grating method.
Y.Kimura, K.Sugihara, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn., 70,2657-2664(1997).

Photothermal expansion of droplets in emulsions detected by the transient grating method.
K.Tanzawa, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn., 70,2935-2942(1997).

寺嶋正秀, 光化学, 24 巻, 12-19,(1997).

Enthalpy change and reaction volume of photochemical reactions measured by the transient grating method.
M.Terazima, Trends in Photochemistry and photobiology, vol4, 1-11(1997).

Translational diffusion of intermediate species in solutions.
M.Terazima, Res.Chem.Intermed., 23,853-901(1997).

非線形分光法で見る化学反応と励起状態ダイナミックス ーフェムト秒から秒までー
寺嶋正秀 分子科学夏の学校 予稿集 p107-146 (1997)


Refractive index change by photothermal effect with a constant density detected as temperature grating in various fluids.

Translational diffusion of a carbene and radicals derived from carbene. M.Terazima, H.Tomioka, K.Hirai, Y.Tanimoto, Y.Fujiwara, Y.Akimoto,
J.Chem.Soc.Farad.Trans., 92,2361-2368(1996).

A transient grating detection method of circular dichroism.
M.Terazima, Mol.Phys., 88,1223-1236(1996).

Order parameter and density effects in the third order nonlinear optical properties of liquid crystals.
M.Terazima, Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn., 69,1881-1887(1996).

A new application of the transient grating method to a photochemical reaction; the entropy, reaction volume and partial molar volume measurements.
T.Hara, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem.,100,10194-10200(1996).

Translational diffusion of a transient charge separated species in carbon dioxide and trifluoromethane studied by the transient grating method.
D.Kanda, Y.Kimura, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem.,100,656-660(1996).

Excited state dynamics of 9,10-diazaphenanthrene studied by the time-resolved transient grating method.
M.Takezaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Phys.Chem., 100,10015-10020(1996).

Translational diffusion of chemically stable and reactive radicals in solution.
M.Terazima, S.Tenma, H.Watanabe, T.Tominaga, J.Chem.Soc.Farad.Trans.,92,3057-3062(1996).

Dynamics of a liquid crystal molecule at a solid-liquid interface detected by the time-resolved transient grating method.
M.Terazima, Y.Kojima, N.Hirota, Chem.Phys.Lett.,259,451-458(1996).

Dynamics of aggregate formation and translational diffusion of a spiropyran studied by the transient grating method.
T.Okazaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, J.Photochem.Photobio., 99,155-163(1996).

Ultrafast rise of translational temperature after photoexcitation to electronic excited state in solution: Transient lens study of Ni2+ aqueous solution.
M.Terazima, J.Chem.Phys., 105,6587-6595(1996).

Measurement of the thermalization rate after photoexcitation to electronically excited state in solution. M.Terazima, Progress in Natural Sci.,6,S,457-460(1996).

Detection of the picosecond time-resolved transient grating signal.
T.Okazaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Progress in Natural Sci.,6,S461-464(1996).

Excited state dynamics of nitorobenzene studied by the time-resolved transient grating method.
M.Takezaki, N.Hirota, M.Terazima, Progress in Natural Sci.,6,S453-456(1996).

Energetic and molecular dynamics in solution studied by the third order nonlinear optical spectroscopies; Transient lens and transient grating.
M.Terazima, Advances in multiphoton processes and spectroscopy,Eds.,S.H.Lin, A.A.Villaeys, Y.Fujimura, Vol.10,1-96, World Scientific,Singapore,1996.

寺嶋正秀, 化学, 51巻, 198(1996).

寺嶋正秀, レーザー研究, Vol.24,No7,765-772(1996).

寺嶋正秀, 化学, 51巻,430-431 (1996).


Translational diffusion of transient radicals created by the photo-induced hydrogen abstraction reaction in solution; Anomalous size dependence in the radical diffusion.
M.Terazima, K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, J.Chem.Phys.,102,2506-2515(1995).

A new method for circular dichroism detection using the cross polarized transient grating.

Ultrafast transient Kerr lens in solution detected by the dual beam 'thermal lens' method.
M.Terazima, Opt.Lett.,20,25-27(1995).

Application of the transient grating method to the measurement of transport properties for high pressure fluid.
Y.Kimura, D.Kanda, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem.,99,196-203(1995).

Translational diffusion of transient radicals studied by the transient grating method. M.Terazima, K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, J.Mol.Liq.,65/66,401-404(1995).
Investigation of spin correlated ion pairs in distance fixed triads by time resolved electron paramagnetic resonance
H.Nakamura, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, S.Nakajima, A.Osuka, Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.,68,2193-2202(1995).

Translational diffusion process of charged radical; TMPD and its cation radical.
M.Terazima, T.Okazaki, N.Hirota,J.Photochem.Photobio.,92A,7-12(1995).

Radical molecular interactions as observed in time-resolved resonance Raman band shape.
M.Terazima, H.Hamaguchi, J.Phys.Chem.,99,7891-7896(1995).

Diffusion process of a liquid crystal probed by the transient grating method.
K.Ohta, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.,68,2809-2815(1995).

Reaction volume and enthalpy changes in photochemical reaction detected by the transient grating method; photodissociation of diphenylcyclopropenone.
M.Terazima, T.Hara, N.Hirota, Chem.Phys.Lett.,246,577-582(1995).

CIDEP studies in low microwave regions; magnetic field dependences of the triplet mechanism
K.Ohara, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, J.Phys.Chem.,99,17814-17821(1995).

Temperature dependence of diffusion processes of radical intermediates probed by the transient grating method.
K.Okamoto, M.Terazima, N.Hirota, J.Chem.Phys.,103,10445-10452(1995).

「光で作るレンズを用いた新しい分光法  過渡レンズ法」
寺嶋正秀, 化学, 第50巻, 57(1995).

寺嶋正秀, 光化学, 20巻, 18-25(1995).

Photoexcited triplet states of fullerenes studied by the time-resolved EPR method.
M.Terazima, N.Hirota, H.Shinohara, K.Asato, in Fullerenes; Recent advances in the chemistry and physics of fullerenes and related materials, vol.2, K.M.Kadish, R.S.Ruoff, 267-273(1995).


Molecular dynamics in solution probed by the transient grating method with a nano-second pulsed laser.
M.Terazima, K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, Laser Chem., 13,169-185(1994).

Effects of local liquid structure on orientational relaxation: 2-ethylnaphthalene,neat and in solution.
S.R.Greenfield, A.Sengupta, J.J.Stankus, M.Terazima, M.D.Fayer, J.Phys.Chem.,98,313-320(1994).

Rise profile of the thermal lens signal; Contribution of the temperature lens and the population lens.
M.Terazima, N.Hirota,J.Chem.Phys.,100,2481-2486(1994).

Measurement of translational diffusion of photochemically stable molecule by the transient grating method; Hematoporphyrin in acetone.
M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett., 218,574-578(1994).

Contributions of transient absorption and population lens in thermal lens spectroscopy.
M.Terazima, Phys.(Colloq.Ed.Phys.,C7),4,345-352(1994).

Temperature and solvent dependence of the zero field splittings and character of the triplet states of methylpyrazine.
T.Kamei, M.Terazima, S.Yamauchi, N.Hirota, J.Phys.Chem.,98,7963-7966(1994).

CIDEP measurement in the L band microwave frequency region; Hyperfine independent vs. hyperfine dependent mechanisms in the ST- mixing of acetone in 2-propanol.
M.Terazima, Y.Miura, K.Ohara, N.Hirota,Chem.Phys.Lett.,224,95-100(1994).

Photoinduced cooling of Eu3+ aqueous solution probed by the photothermal methods.
M.Terazima, S.M.Park, Chem.Phys.Lett., 228,398-402(1994).

Temperature lens and temperature grating in aqueous solution.
M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.,189,793-804(1994).

Transient lens spectroscopy in a fast time scale; Photoexcitation of Rhodamine 6G and Methyl Red solution.
M.Terazima, Chem.Phys.Lett.,230,87-92(1994).

寺嶋正秀 , 化学と工業, 第47巻, 100-103, (1994).

寺嶋正秀 , 化学, 第49巻, 514(1994).

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Triplet mechanism of CIDNP in the photolysis of benzoquinoes as studied by dynamic nuclear polarization.
Q-X.Meng, K.Suzuki, K.Maeda, M.Terazima, T.Azumi, J.Phys.Chem.,97,1265-1269(1993).

Translational diffusion of a transient radical studied by the transient grating method; pyrazinyl radical in 2-propanol.
M.Terazima, N.Hirota, J.Chem.Phys.,98,6257-6262(1993).

Diffusion process of methylred in organic solvents studied by the transient grating method.
M.Terazima, K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, J.Phys.Chem.,97,5188-5192(1993).

Electronic excited state dynamics in the transient grating signal; absolute quantum yield of fluorescence and triplet formation.
M.Terazima, N.Hirota, J.Appl.Phys.,73,7672-7676(1993).

Dynamics of C70 in the lowest excited triplet state at low temperatures.
M.Terazima, K.Sakurada, N.Hirota, H.Shinohara, Y.Saito,J.Phys.Chem.,97,5447-5450(1993).

Investigation of excited state intramolecular proton transfer in the lowest triplet states of 2-(2'hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole by time resolved paramagnetic resonance.
H.Nakamura, M.Terazima, N.Hirota,J.Phys.Chem.,97,8952-8956(1993).

Population lens in thermal lens spectroscopy 2; Probe wavelength dependence and a new method for subtracting the transient absorption from the thermal lens signal.
M.Terazima, T.Hara, N.Hirota, J.Phys.Chem., 97,10554-10560(1993).

Time resolved two step excitation thermal grating method; Measurement of the quantum yield of energy transfer from a higher excited triplet state.
M.Terazima, N.Hirota, Chem.Phys.Lett.,214,541-545(1993).

Transient radical diffusion in photoinduced hydrogen abstraction reactions of benzophenone probed by the transient grating method.
M.Terazima, K.Okamoto, N.Hirota, J.Phys.Chem.,97,13387-13393(1993).

Separation of transient absorption and population lens effect from the 'thermal lens'signal.
M.Terazima, T.Hara, N.Hirota,J.Phys.Chem.,97,13668-13672(1993).


Investigation of the short-lived triplet state of pyridazine at room temperature by the transient grating method.
M.Terazima, N.Hirota, Chem.Phys.Lett.,189,560-564(1992).

Photothermal investigations on the dark triplet states.
M.Terazima, T.Azumi, N.Hirota, J.Photochem.Photobio.,65A,21-28(1992).

Determination of the exchange integral by the low field CIDNP in intramolecular hydrogen abstraction reaction of polymethylene-linked xanthone and xanthene.
K.Maeda, Q-X. Meng, T.Aizawa, M.Terazima, T.Azumi, Y.Tanimoto, J.Phys.Chem.,96,4884-4889(1992).

Time resolved EPR investigation of the triplet states of C60 and C70.
M.Terazima, N.Hirota, H.Shinohara, Y.Saito, Chem.Phys.Lett.,195,333-338(1992).

Population lens in thermal lens spectroscopy.
M.Terazima, N.Hirota,J.Phys.Chem.,96,7147-7150(1992).

Ultrafast side group motions of polymers. A.Sengupta, M.Terazima, M.D.Fayer, J.Phys.Chem.,96,8619-8626(1992).