[[2019>List of Publications 2019]]>[[2018>List of Publications 2018]]>[[2017>List of Publications 2017]]>[[2016>List of Publications 2016]]>[[2015>List of Publications 2015]]>2014>[[2013>List of Publications 2013]]>[[2012>List of Publications 2012]]>[[2011>List of Publications 2011]]>[[2010>List of Publications 2010]]>[[2009>List of Publications 2009]]>[[2008>List of Publications 2008]]>[[2007>List of Publications 2007]]>[[2006>List of Publications 2006]]>[[2005>List of Publications 2005]] [[2020>List of Publications 2020]]>[[2019>List of Publications 2019]]>[[2018>List of Publications 2018]]>[[2017>List of Publications 2017]]>[[2016>List of Publications 2016]]>[[2015>List of Publications 2015]]>2014>[[2013>List of Publications 2013]]>[[2012>List of Publications 2012]]>[[2011>List of Publications 2011]]>[[2010>List of Publications 2010]]>[[2009>List of Publications 2009]]>[[2008>List of Publications 2008]]>[[2007>List of Publications 2007]]>[[2006>List of Publications 2006]]>[[2005>List of Publications 2005]] *論文 2014年 [#l507c3cc] 著者名のうち''太字''は研究室の学生です! ***(Review) Monolithic silsesquioxane materials with well-defined pore structure [#m752d289] Kazuyoshi KANAMORI*~ '''J. Mater. Res.''' ''29'', 2773-2786 (2014).~ [[10.1557/jmr.2014.332:http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2014.332]] ***Facile synthesis of monolithic mayenite with well-defined macropores via an epoxide-mediated sol-gel process accompanied by phase separation [#g197df05] Xingzhong GUO, Xiaobo CAI, Jie SONG, Kazuki NAKANISHI, Kazuyoshi KANAMORI, Hui YANG*~ '''New J. Chem.''' ''38'', 5832-5839 (2014).~ [[10.1039/C4NJ00898G:http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C4NJ00898G]] ***Surface functionalization of silica by Si-H activation of hydrosilanes [#meda3ec5] Nirmalya MOITRA, Shun ICHII, Toshiyuki KAMEI, Kazuyoshi KANAMORI, ''Yang ZHU'', Kazuyuki TAKEDA, Kazuki NAKANISHI*, Toyoshi SHIMADA*~ '''J. Am. Chem. Soc.''' ''136'', 11570-11573 (2014). ~ [[10.1021/ja504115d:http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja504115d]] ***Facile preparation of silver nanoparticles homogeneously immobilized in hierarchically monolithic silica using ethylene glycol as reductant [#p397eb84] Huan YU, ''Yang ZHU'', Hui YANG, Kazuki NAKANISHI, Kazuyoshi KANAMORI, Xingzhong GUO*~ '''Dalton Trans.''' ''43'', 12648-12656 (2014).~ [[10.1039/c4dt00655k:http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4dt00655k]] ***Reduction on reactive pore surfaces as a practical approach to supported metal alloy nanoparticles [#qec31e93] Nirmalya MOITRA, Kazuyoshi KANAMORI*, Yumi H. IKUHARA, Xiang GAO, George HASEGAWA, Kazuyuki TAKEDA, ''Yang ZHU'', Toyoshi SHIMADA, Kazuki NAKANISHI*~ '''J. Mater. Chem. A''' ''2'', 12535-12544 (2014).~ [[10.1039/C4TA01767F:http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C4TA01767F]] ***Polymethylsilsesquioxane-cellulose nanofiber biocomposite aerogels with high thermal insulation, bendability and superhydrophobicity [#z86f94b4] ''Gen HAYASE'', Kazuyoshi KANAMORI*, Kentaro ABE, Hiroyuki YANO, Ayaka MAENO, Hironori KAJI, Kazuki NAKANISHI~ '''ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces''' ''6'', 9466-9471 (2014).~ [[10.1021/am501822y:http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/am501822y]] ***(解説)マシュマロゲルの開発 [#laf6c48e] ''早瀬元''、金森主祥、中西和樹~ 現代化学 517, 36-39 (2014).(2014年4月号) ***(解説)水と油を効率的に分離できるマシュマロゲル [#d3ac96a9] ''早瀬元''、金森主祥、中西和樹~ 科学と工業 88, 65-69 (2014). ***(総説)相分離と化学反応に基づく細孔構造制御 [#z7cdf1ba] 中西和樹、長谷川丈二~ シーエムシー出版「ゾル−ゲル法の最新応用と展望」(2014年2月) ***(総説)ナノ構造制御による有機−無機ハイブリッド透明多孔性物質の開発 [#nd8ffb1f] 金森主祥、''早瀬元''~ シーエムシー出版「ゾル−ゲル法の最新応用と展望」(2014年2月) ***The thermal conductivity of polymethylsilsesquioxane aerogels and xerogels with varied pore sizes for practical application as thermal superinsulators [#n6a72be1] ''Gen HAYASE'', Kazuma KUGIMIYA, Mitsue OGAWA, ''Yasunori KODERA'', Kazuyoshi KANAMORI*, Kazuki NAKANISHI~ '''J. Mater. Chem. A''' ''2'', 6525-6531 (2014).~ [[10.1039/C3TA15094A:http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3TA15094A]] ***Synthesis and electrochemical performance of hierarchically porous N-doped TiO&sub{2}; for Li-ion batteries [#ad0a8b75] George HASEGAWA*, ''Tatsuya SATO'', Kazuyoshi KANAMORI, Kazuki NAKANISHI, Takeshi ABE~ '''New J. Chem.''' ''38'', 1380-1384 (2014).~ [[10.1039/C3NJ01332D:http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3NJ01332D]] ***A new hierarchically porous Pd@HSQ monolithic catalyst for Mizoroki-Heck cross-coupling reaction [#j269daeb] Nirmalya MOITRA, Ayumi MATSUSHIMA, Toshiyuki KAMEI, Kazuyoshi KANAMORI*, Yumi IKUHARA, Xiang GAO, Kazuyuki TAKEDA, ''Yang ZHU'', Kazuki NAKANISHI*, Toyoshi SHIMADA*~ '''New J. Chem.''' ''38'', 1144-1149 (2014).~ [[10.1039/C3NJ01433A:http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3NJ01433A]] ***(解説)水や油を撥く柔軟多孔体マシュマロゲル [#z54c0360] ''早瀬元''、金森主祥、中西和樹~ コンバーテック ''490'', 37-39 (2014). ***Preparation of macroporous cordierite monoliths via the sol–gel process accompanied by phase separation [#jddd3a92] Xingzhong GUO, Kazuki NAKANISHI, Kazuyoshi KANAMORI, ''Yang ZHU'', Hui YANG*~ '''J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.''' ''34'', 817-823 (2014).~ [[10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2013.08.016:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2013.08.016]] ***Preparation and characterization of macroporous TiO&sub{2};-SrTiO&sub{3}; heterostructured monolithic photocatalyst [#h30384f4] Olim RUZIMURADOV*, Suvankul NURMANOV, Mirabbos HOJAMBERDIEV, Ravi Mohan PRASAD, Alexander GURLO, Joachim BROETZ, Kazuki NAKANISHI, Ralf RIEDEL~ '''Mater. Lett.''' ''116'', 353-355 (2014).~ [[10.1016/j.matlet.2013.11.065:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2013.11.065]] ***Fabrication of nitrogen-doped TiO&sub{2}; monolith with well-defined macroporous and bicrystalline framework and its photocatalytic performance under visible light [#b0b556e7] Olim RUZIMURADOV*, Suvankul NURMANOV, Mirabbos HOJAMBERDIEV, Ravi Mohan PRASAD, Alexander GURLO, Joachim BROETZ, Kazuki NAKANISHI, Ralf RIEDEL~ '''J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.''' ''34'', 809-816 (2014).~ [[10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2013.10.009:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2013.10.009]] ***Porous chromium-based ceramic monoliths; Oxides (Cr&sub{2};O&sub{3};), nitrides (CrN), and carbides (Cr&sub{3};C&sub{2};) [#r02e40d3] ''Yasuki KIDO'', George HASEGAWA*, Kazuyoshi KANAMORI, Kazuki NAKANISHI~ '''J. Mater. Chem. A''' ''2'', 745-752 (2014).~ [[10.1039/C3TA13725B:http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3TA13725B]]