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Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

Nobuyuki MATUBAYASI (Associate Professor)

Field of Expertise:
Physical Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry
Research Interests:
  1. Development of Solution Theory in the Energy Perspective and Extended Concept of Solvation.
  2. Molecular Binding into Lipid Membrane, Protein, and Micelle.
  3. Hydration and Solvation Effects on Functional Molecules and their Aggregates.
  4. Microscopic Properties and Reactions of Environmentally Benign Fluids such as Supercritical Fluid and Ionic Liquid.
Recent Papers:
  1. N. Matubayasi, C. Wakai, and M. Nakahara "Structural study of supercritical water. I. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy" Journal of Chemical Physics. 107, 9133-9140 (1997).
  2. N. Matubayasi, E. Gallicchio, and R. M. Levy "On the local and nonlocal components of solvation thermodynamics and their relation to solvation shell models" Journal of Chemical Physics. 109, 4864-4872 (1998).
  3. N. Matubayasi and M. Nakahara "Reversible molecular dynamics for rigid bodies and hybrid Monte Carlo" Journal of Chemical Physics. 110, 3291-3301 (1999).
  4. N. Matubayasi and M. Nakahara "Theory of solutions in the energetic representation. I. Formulation" Journal of Chemical Physics. 113, 6070-6081 (2000).
  5. N. Matubayasi and M. Nakahara "Theory of solutions in the energy representation. II. Functional for the chemical potential" Journal of Chemical Physics. 117, 3605-3616 (2002); 118, 2446 (2003) (erratum).
  6. N. Matubayasi and M. Nakahara "Theory of solutions in the energy representation. III. Treatment of the molecular flexibility" Journal of Chemical Physics. 119, 9686-9702 (2003).
  7. H. Takahashi, N. Matubayasi, M. Nakahara, and T. Nitta "A quantum chemical approach to the free energy calculations in condensed systems: The QM/MM method combined with the theory of energy representation" Journal of Chemical Physics. 121, 3989-3999 (2004).
  8. N. Matubayasi, K. K. Liang, and M. Nakahara "Free-energy analysis of solubilization in micelle" Journal of Chemical Physics. 124, 154908 (13 pages) (2006).
  9. N. Matubayasi, W. Shinoda, and M. Nakahara "Free-energy analysis of the molecular binding into lipid membrane with the method of energy representation" Journal of Chemical Physics. 128, 195107 (13 pages) (2008).
  10. Y. Karino and N. Matubayasi "85 Free-energy analysis of hydration effect on protein with explicit solvent: Equilibrium fluctuation of cytochrome c; Journal of Chemical Physics. 134, 041105 (4 pages) (2011).
Contact Information:
Phone: 81(Japan)-774-38-3071
Fax: 81(Japan)-774-38-3071
E-mail: nobuyuki + @scl.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Laboratory of Solution and Interface (internal link)
Group webpage

This page was last modified on 05 April 2018.

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