Abstract Submission:closed
Theme of this workshop
In these several decades, a lot of important approaches have been conducted in order to understand the itinerant-electron magnetism. Among them epoch-making was the great success of the spin-fluctuation theory for weak itinerant ferro- and antiferromagnets by Moriya and Kawabata based upon the self-consistent renormalization of spin fluctuations in 1973 (the SCR theory). Afterwards, the spin fluctuation theory has been developed toward the unified theory between the weakly itinerant and localized moment regimes in the metallic magnets in a phenomenological way by Moriya and Takahashi (1978). Then, the SCR theory has been developed and rearranged in a quantitative way by Takahashi and Moriya in 1985 (Quantitative Aspect of Spin Fluctuations), by which we can compare the experiments and the SCR theory quantitatively by means of a set of (several numbers of) spin-fluctuation parameters.
Furthermore, Takahashi has developed the spin-fluctuation theory in different approaches with some assumptions: the total spin amplitude conservation (TAC) and global consistency (GC) so far (1986 ~ ), which possibly leads us to the unified picture of metallic magnetism with a wide variety of itinerant-electron magnets based upon the spin-fluctuation approaches.
Since the novel superconductors with the magnetic origins have been discovered in the strongly correlated electron systems, e.g., the Heavy-Fermion compounds and intermetallics, the organic systems, the high-Tc cuprates, and Fe pnictides, moreover the correlations and interplays between the itinerant magnetism and the so-called exotic superconductivity have been more and more important, and to understand the itinerant-electron characteristics has recently become one of the most difficult and important issues in the solid state sciences.
In this workshop, we wish to bring together an international group of leading theoreticians and experimental scientists on magnetism to discuss advanced topics in condensed matter physics, especially related to spin fluctuations in itinerant-electron magnetism including exotic superconductivity with magnetic origins, and to shape the future development of this field. We also plan to invite young scientists as well as graduate students. We hope that such young scientists have chance to talk with invited speakers and organizers on their own interests.
Finally, this workshop is also organized in commemoration of Prof. Y. Takahashi’s retirement from University of Hyogo, Japan.
(Kazuyoshi Yoshimura)