Department of Chemistry in Graduate School of Science
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bent Members [fiscal year 2024]
A. Otsuka
Associate Professor
Y. Nakano
Assistant Professor
(liquifier bldg 4055)

Specialist Administrative Staff M. Ishikawa m-ishikawa@ 4061
Master Course (2nd year) T. Kohama kohama7@mms. 4062
Master Course (2nd year) M. Tsuiki tsuiki.minoru.47e@mms. 4062
Master Course (1st year, Oct. admission) Y. Kim jinie.keem@mms. 4062
Master Course (1st year) T. Sawada swdtkhr@mms. 4062
Undergraduate Course (4th year) M. Takamura miitakamura@mms. 4062
To send mail, add '' after "@" or "@mms."; To call by phone, insert +81-75-753 before the above listed 4 digits.
May, 2024 (with Dr. M. A. Faraonov)
October, 2023 (with Dr. D. V. Konarev)
May, 2023 (with Dr. M. A. Faraonov)
November, 2022 (with Dr. D. V. Konarev)
June, 2022 (with Dr. M. A. Faraonov)

bent Recent Research Resuts
***** A paper reporting fluorinated Cu(II) phthalocyanine is published
         This article is open access.
         M.A. Faraonov et al., Inorg. Chem., 62, 11390 (2023) → Click here
***** A paper reporting a single-molecule magnet is published
         is published in a free access electric journal.
         M.A. Faraonov et al., Magnetochemistry, 9, 36 (2023) → Click here
***** Awarded Article
         Canting Antiferromagnetic Spin-Order (TN = 102 K)
         in a Monomer Mott Insulator (ET)Ag4(CN)5 with a Diamond Spin-Lattice

         This article led by Professor Otsuka was awarded
         by the Editorial Board of Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.
         The article is open access. Click here
***** A review article on C60 Mott insulator is published
         This article is open access.
         A. Otsuka et al., Crystals, 8, 8030115 (2018) → Click here
***** A review on (EDO-TTF)2PF6 and succeeding researches
         is published in a free access electric journal.
         H. Yamochi, S. Koshihara, Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 10, 024305 (2009) --> Click here

bent Address
Molecular Materials Science Lab.
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science,
Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502 JAPAN
Our laboratory is located at the 3rd & 4th floor in Research Building No. 5 (#40 in the map).