[[2019>List of Publications 2019]]>[[2018>List of Publications 2018]]>[[2017>List of Publications 2017]]>[[2016>List of Publications 2016]]>[[2015>List of Publications 2015]]>[[2014>List of Publications 2014]]>[[2013>List of Publications 2013]]>[[2012>List of Publications 2012]]>[[2011>List of Publications 2011]]>[[2010>List of Publications 2010]]>[[2009>List of Publications 2009]]>[[2008>List of Publications 2008]]>[[2007>List of Publications 2007]]>[[2006>List of Publications 2006]]>2005 [[2020>List of Publications 2020]]>[[2019>List of Publications 2019]]>[[2018>List of Publications 2018]]>[[2017>List of Publications 2017]]>[[2016>List of Publications 2016]]>[[2015>List of Publications 2015]]>[[2014>List of Publications 2014]]>[[2013>List of Publications 2013]]>[[2012>List of Publications 2012]]>[[2011>List of Publications 2011]]>[[2010>List of Publications 2010]]>[[2009>List of Publications 2009]]>[[2008>List of Publications 2008]]>[[2007>List of Publications 2007]]>[[2006>List of Publications 2006]]>2005 *論文 2005年 [#a174cb03] ***(Review) Organic-inorganic hybrid poly(silsesquioxane) monoliths with controlled macro- and mesopores [#c7b0bd40] K. NAKANISHI, K. KANAMORI~ Journal of Materials Chemistry, 15, 3776-3786 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/B508415F 10.1039/B508415F] ***Electrical conduction properties of Sr-doped LaPO&sub{4}; and CePO&sub{4}; under oxidizing and reducing conditions [#x6d7ab64] N. KITAMURA, K. AMEZAWA, Y. TOMII, T. HANADA, N. YAMAMOTO, T. OMATA, S. OTUKA-YAO-MATSUO~ Journal of Electrochemical Society, 152, A658-A663 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.200529014 10.1002/chin.200529014] ***High temperature protonic conduction in Sr-doped La&sub{2};Si&sub{2};O&sub{7}; [#z54c787b] K. AMEZAWA, J. YAMADA, N. KITAMURA, Y. TOMII, T. HANADA, N. YAMAMOTO~ Solid State Ionics, 176, 341-347 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssi.2004.07.015 10.1016/j.ssi.2004.07.015] ***Electrical conduction proterties of LaP&sub{3};O&sub{9}; glass and glass-ceramics [#q7aa397d] K. AMEZAWA, T. TOMIGA, N. YAMAMOTO, T. HANADA, Y. TOMII~ Journal of American Ceramics Society, 88, 3211-3214 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1551-2916.2005.00538.x 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2005.00538.x] ***Electrical conduction in Sr-doped (La&sub{0.99};Ce&sub{0.01};)PO&sub{4}; [#l2b51606] N. KITAMURA, K. AMEZAWA, Y. TOMII, T. HANADA, N. YAMAMOTO~ Solid State Ionics, 176,2875-2879 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssi.2005.09.019 10.1016/j.ssi.2005.09.019] ***Monolithic O/I-hybrids with hierarchically ordered meso- and macropores [#w75985f9] K. NAKANISHI~ Materials Research Soceity Symposium Proceedings, 847, EE3.2.1-11 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-847-EE3.2 10.1557/PROC-847-EE3.2] ***Silica monolithic membrane as separation medium: Summable property of different membranes for high-performance liquid chromatographic separation [#x1e5facd] K. HOSOYA, T. OGATA, Y. WATABE, T. KUBO, T. IKEGAMI, N. TANAKA, H. MINAKUCHI, K. NAKANISHI~ Journal of Chromatography A, 1073, 123-126 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2004.09.042 10.1016/j.chroma.2004.09.042] ***Hierarchical macro-mesoporous silica monolith [#u5e975eb] T. AMATANI, K. NAKANISHI, K. HIRAO, T. KODAIRA~ Materials Research Soceity Symposium Proceedings, 847, EE9.6.1-6 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10971-009-1899-0 10.1007/s10971-009-1899-0] ***Three dimensional structure and liquid transport behavior of siloxane gels with co-continuous macropores [#t186ff17] H. SAITO, K. NAKANISHI, K. HIRAO, H. JINNAI, K. MORISATO, H. MINAKUCHI~ Materials Research Soceity Symposium Proceedings, 847, EE9.2.1-6 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-847-EE9.2 10.1557/PROC-847-EE9.2] ***Titania-coated monolithic silica as separation medium for high performance liquid chromatography of phosphorus-containing compounds [#pfbd1bd3] S. MIYAZAKI, M. Y. MIAH, K. MORISATO, Y. SHINTANI, T. KUROHA, K. NAKANISHI~ Journal of Separation Science, 28, 39-44 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jssc.200401932 10.1002/jssc.200401932] ***Insight on structural change in sol-gel-derived silica gel with aging under basic conditions for mesopore control [#za5cec60] R. TAKAHASHI, K. NAKANISHI, N. SOGA~ Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 33, 159-167 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10971-005-5610-9 10.1007/s10971-005-5610-9] ***Monolithic periodic mesoporous silica with well-defined macropores [#y21aff4d] T. AMATANI, K. NAKANISHI, K. HIRAO, T. KODAIRA~ Chemistry of Materials, 17, 2114-2119 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm048091c 10.1021/cm048091c] ***Experimental validation of the tetrahedral skeleton model pressure drop correlation for silica monoliths and the influence of column heterogeneity [#qa0ed014] N. VERVOORT, H. SAITO, K. NAKANISHI, G. DESMET~ Analytical Chemistry, 77, 3986-3992 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac0502798 10.1021/ac0502798] ***Tailoring spontaneous pillar structure using phase-separating organosiloxane sol-gel systems in micro-fabricated grooves [#l9d00a56] K. KANAMORI, K. NAKANISHI, K. HIRAO, H. JINNAI~ Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 35, 183-191 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10971-005-4166-z 10.1007/s10971-005-4166-z] ***An application of silica-based monolithic membrane emulsification technique for easy and efficient preparation of uniformly sized polymer particles [#ode7c98c] K. HOSOYA, M. BENDO, N. TANAKA, Y. WATABE, T. IKEGAMI, H. MINAKUCHI, K. NAKANISHI~ Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 290, 753-758 (2005).~ [http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mame.200500006 10.1002/mame.200500006]