2020?>2019>2018>2017>2016>2015>2014>2013>2012>2011>2010>2009>2008>2007>2006>2005 論文 2005年 †(Review) Organic-inorganic hybrid poly(silsesquioxane) monoliths with controlled macro- and mesopores †K. NAKANISHI, K. KANAMORI Electrical conduction properties of Sr-doped LaPO4 and CePO4 under oxidizing and reducing conditions †N. KITAMURA, K. AMEZAWA, Y. TOMII, T. HANADA, N. YAMAMOTO, T. OMATA, S. OTUKA-YAO-MATSUO High temperature protonic conduction in Sr-doped La2Si2O7 †K. AMEZAWA, J. YAMADA, N. KITAMURA, Y. TOMII, T. HANADA, N. YAMAMOTO Electrical conduction proterties of LaP3O9 glass and glass-ceramics †K. AMEZAWA, T. TOMIGA, N. YAMAMOTO, T. HANADA, Y. TOMII Electrical conduction in Sr-doped (La0.99Ce0.01)PO4 †N. KITAMURA, K. AMEZAWA, Y. TOMII, T. HANADA, N. YAMAMOTO Monolithic O/I-hybrids with hierarchically ordered meso- and macropores †K. NAKANISHI Silica monolithic membrane as separation medium: Summable property of different membranes for high-performance liquid chromatographic separation †K. HOSOYA, T. OGATA, Y. WATABE, T. KUBO, T. IKEGAMI, N. TANAKA, H. MINAKUCHI, K. NAKANISHI Hierarchical macro-mesoporous silica monolith †T. AMATANI, K. NAKANISHI, K. HIRAO, T. KODAIRA Three dimensional structure and liquid transport behavior of siloxane gels with co-continuous macropores †H. SAITO, K. NAKANISHI, K. HIRAO, H. JINNAI, K. MORISATO, H. MINAKUCHI Titania-coated monolithic silica as separation medium for high performance liquid chromatography of phosphorus-containing compounds †S. MIYAZAKI, M. Y. MIAH, K. MORISATO, Y. SHINTANI, T. KUROHA, K. NAKANISHI Insight on structural change in sol-gel-derived silica gel with aging under basic conditions for mesopore control †R. TAKAHASHI, K. NAKANISHI, N. SOGA Monolithic periodic mesoporous silica with well-defined macropores †T. AMATANI, K. NAKANISHI, K. HIRAO, T. KODAIRA Experimental validation of the tetrahedral skeleton model pressure drop correlation for silica monoliths and the influence of column heterogeneity †N. VERVOORT, H. SAITO, K. NAKANISHI, G. DESMET Tailoring spontaneous pillar structure using phase-separating organosiloxane sol-gel systems in micro-fabricated grooves †K. KANAMORI, K. NAKANISHI, K. HIRAO, H. JINNAI An application of silica-based monolithic membrane emulsification technique for easy and efficient preparation of uniformly sized polymer particles †K. HOSOYA, M. BENDO, N. TANAKA, Y. WATABE, T. IKEGAMI, H. MINAKUCHI, K. NAKANISHI |