

  • 所蔵研究室名凡例
    物化 表面 金相 分構 集有
    物理化学(3F) 表面化学(2F) 金相学(2F) 分子構造(3F) 集合有機(8F)

  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
A Accounts of Chemical Research 3(1970)+ 4
Acta Chemica Scandinavica(28巻〜42巻までSer. A, Bに分離) 16(1962)-18, 19(1-6), 20, 21(1-2, 4-10), 22-27(1973), 43(1989)-45(1991) 4
Acta chemica Scandinavica. Ser. A, Physical and inorganic chemistry 28(1974)-42(1988) 4
Acta chemica Scandinavica. Ser. B, Organic chemistry and biochemistry 28(1974)-42(1988) 4
Acta Metallurgica 9(1961)-15(1964) 金相 
Advanced Materials 14(2002)+ 4
Analytical Chemistry 19(1947)-71(1999) 4
Angewandte Chemie(ドイツ語版) 69[1957]-76, 78-84[1972] 4
Angewandte Chemie(英語版) 12(1-8, 10-12)「1973」, 13-14, 15(1-4, 6, 8-12), 16-34, 35(1-22), 36-48(1-9), 48(7)+ 継続中 4
Angewandte Chemie(英語版 Suppl.) 1982「1982」-1983[1983] 4
Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 33[1840]-168[1879] 4
Annalen der Pharmacie 1[1832]-32[1839] 4
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 図書扱い 物化
Applied magnetic resonance 26[2004]+ 継続中  4
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
B Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie
*継続前誌あり Zeitschaft fur Elektrochemie
67[1963]-73, 74(1-7, 10-11), 75-94[1990] 4
Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft. Physical chemistry, chemical physics 99[1995], 100(7-12), 101-102 [1998] 4
Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft   1[1868]-79 [1946] 4
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 182[1992]-31[2004] 5
B.B.R.C.; Sect B: Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications 1 [1999], 2(1, 3), 3-4 [2001] 5
Biochemistry    1[1962]-16, 17(1-16, 18-26), 18-39[2000] 5 
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 1[1926]+ 継続中 5
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
C Canadian Journal of Chemistry   39[1961]-46, 47(1-9, 11-24), 48-57, 58(1-7, 9-12, 14-24), 59-79[2001] 6
Canadian Journal of Physics 31[1953]-62[1984] 保存書庫  
Ceramic Abstracts 49[1966]-60[1981] 金相
Chembiochem       1[2000]+ 継続中 6
Chemical Communications 1965, 19681996[1996]-2005[2005] 12
Chemical Physics Letters   1[1967]+ 継続中 6
Chemical Reviews    38[1946]-75, 76(2-5), 77(1, 3-6), 78-108, 109(1)+ 継続中 6
Chemical Society Reviews 1[1972]-4, 6-25, 26(1-5), 27-31, 32(1-6), 33-37, 38(1)+ 継続中 6 
Chemische Berichte 80[1947]-98, 99(1-3, 5-12), 100-105, 106(2-12), 107-129[1997] 6
Chemische Berichte/Recueil: 30[1997]-30[1997] 6
Chemistry Letters 1972-2002; 32[2003]-37, 38(1-2)+ 継続中  7
Chemistry of Materials 14[2002]+ 継続中 7
Chemphyschem 1[2000]+ 継続中 7
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
D Dalton: an international journal of inorganic chemistry 2000[2000]-2002[2002] 12
Discussions of the Faraday Society 1[1947]-52[1971] 7 
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
E EJB: the FEBS journal 259[1999]-267[2000] 7 
European journal of biochemistry 1[1967]-25, 26(1-2, 4), 27, 28(2-4), 29-258[1998] 7  
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 1998[1998]-2001[2001] 7
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
F Faraday Discussions 92[1991]-135, 140+ 継続中 7
Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society 53[1972], 55-91[1991] 7 
Faraday Symposia of the Chemical Society 6[1972]-14, 16-19 [1984] 7  
Faraday Transactions → J.C.S.Faraday Tr. 12
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
H Helvetica Chimica Acta 29[1946]-54, 55(1-3, 5-9), 56-84 [2001] 7
High Temperatures, High Pressures 1[1969]-251995] 7
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
I Inorganic Chemistry 1[1962]+ 継続中 7
Internationale Zeitschrift fur Metallographie   9[1918] 金相 
An International journal of physical chemistry : Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft 95-98[1991-1994] 4
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
J Journal of Biological Chemistry 162[1946]-167,169-280,281(1-21, 23-52),282+ 継続中 9
Journal of Chemical Physics 1[1933]-113, 116+ 継続中 11
Journal of Computational Chemistry 13[1992]-22[2001] 13
Journal of Crystal Growth 1[1967]-45[1978] 金相
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 6[1975]-44 [1987] 表面
Journal of Magnetic Resonance  1992年から図書室で所蔵 12
1993-1996は Sect A,Bに分離
1[1969]-23, 24(1-2), 25, 26(2-3), 27-67, 68(1-3), 69-70, 71(1-2), 72(2-3), 73-78, 79(1-2), 80-94, 9 5(2-3), 96-100[1992], 124[1997]+ 継続中 分構
Journal of magnetic resonance. Series A 101[1993]-123[1996] 13
Journal of magnetic resonance. Series B 101[1993]-113[1996] 13
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1[1957]-40,41(1,3),42-68,151-252, 253(1)+ 継続中 13
Journal of Organic Chemistry 1[1936]-2, 4-71[2006] 13
Journal of Physical Chemistry
*1947-1951 はThe Journal of physical & colloid chemistry
1[1896]-50[1946] ,56[1952]-79, 80(1-26), 81-100[1996] 13
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 101[1997]-112,113(2-8)+ 継続中 13
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101[1997]-112,113(2-8)+ 継続中  13
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111[2007]+ 継続中 13
The Journal of physical & colloid chemistry 51[1947]-55[1951] 13
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 24[1963]-44,45(1-2,4-12),46-52[1991] 18
Journal of Physics. C 1[1968]-2, 3(1-4, 6-12), 4-21[1988] 14
Journal of Physics: Condensed matter 1[1989]-11[1999] 14
TheJournal of physics and chemistry of solids 24[1963]-44, 45(1-2, 4-12), 46-52[1991] 18
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 1[1969]-181, 182(1-2)+ 継続中 14
Journal of Solution Chemistry 1[1972]-24, 25(1-2) [1995] 15
Journal of American Ceramic Society 33[1950]-64[1981] 金相
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1[1879]+ 継続中 12
Journal of the Chemical Society 1926[1926]-1952, 1953(), 1954-1965[1965] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Sect. A, 1966[1966]-1971[1971] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Sect. B 1966[1966]-1971[1971 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Sect. C, 1966[1966]-1970, 1971(1-9, 11, 13-22, 24) [1971] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications 1972[1972],1973(2-24), 1974-1976, 1977(1-20, 22-24), 1978-1995 [1995] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton transactions 1992[1992]-1999[1999](継続誌あり) 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 86[1990]-94[1998] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 1 継続誌あり 68(1-9, 11-12)[1972], 69(2-12), 70-85 [1989] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 2 継続誌あり 68[1972], 69(2-12), 70-85[1989] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions 1 1972[1972]-1999[1999] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions 2 1972[1972]-1999[1999] 12
Journal of the Chemical Society. Transactions. 33[1878]-74, 76-128[1925] 12
The journal of the Chemical Society of London 15[1862]-32[1877] 12
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 1[1964]-21[1982] 表面
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 2nd series A 1[1983]-21[1996] 表面
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 2nd series B 1「1983」-4「1984」 表面
Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 継続誌あり  169[1873]-172[1874] 4
Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 継続誌あり 173[1874]-174, 177-316, 319-726, 728-766;1973, 1974(1-4, 6-12), 1975-1978[1978] 保存書庫
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
L Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 継続誌あり 1979[1979]-1994 [1994] 4
Liebigs Annalen: organic and bioorganic chemistry 1994[1994]-1996[1996] 保存書庫
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
M Materials Research Bulletin 1[1966]-44 15
Metallurgical Transactions 継続誌あり 1[1970]-5[1974] 金相
Metallurgical Transactions sect. A 6[1975]-10[1979] 金相
Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications:MCBBC 1[1999], 2(1, 3), 3-4 [2001] 5
Molecular physics 1[1958]+ 継続中 14
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
N Newton 2009+ 新着雑誌架
Newton別冊 2009+ 新着雑誌架
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
O Organic BIomolecular Chemistry 1[2003]-3[2005] 15
Organometallics 11[1992]-26[2006] 15
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
P Photochemistry and Photobiology 29[1979]-32, 39-54, 55(1, 2), 56, 57(3), 58-80, 81(1)[2005] 15
Perkin. 1 2000[2000]-2002[2002] 12
Perkin. 2 2000[2000]-2002[2002] 12
Physica 22[1956], 23(7-12), 24-78[1974] 15
Physica B+C 79(1-3, 6)[1975], 80-151[1988] 15
Physica B 152[1988]-288[2000] 15
Physica C 152[1988]-331[2000] 15
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1[1999]-12+ 継続中 15
Physical review. Ser. 2. 継続誌あり 31[1928]-132[1963] 16
The physical review. Second series 141[1966]-142, 143(1-2, 4), 144-151, 152(1, 3-4), 153(2-4), 154(1-3, 5), 155-164, 165(1, 3-5), 166-183, 184(1-3, 5), 185-188[1969] 16
The physical review. Second series. A 133[1964]-140[1965] 16
Physical review. Third series. A 1[1970], 2(1-3, 5), 3-62[2000] 16
Physical review. Ser. 3. B 1[1970]-6, 7(1-7), 8-17[1978] 16
  Physical review. Third series. B 18[1978]-62[2000] 16
Physical Review 3nd series, E 47[1993]-54[1996] 16
Physical Review Letters 1[1958]-85[2000] 16
Physical review supplement 1[1929] 16
Physics and Chemistry of Solid 1[1956]-23 [1962] 13
Powder Metallurgy 3[1959]-12;7-20[1977] 金相
Proceedings of the Physical Society 71[1958]-92[1967] 18
The Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A 67[1954]-70[1957] 18
The Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B 67[1954]-70[1957] 18
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1[1966]-7, 8(), 9(), 10-13, 14(), 15(), 16-21[1989] 分構
Protein Science 11[2002] + 継続中 18
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
Q Quarterly journal of the Chemical Society of London 1[1849]-14[1862] 保存書庫
Quarterly Reviews 1[1947]-24[1970] 19
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
R Recueil 99[1980]-103[1984] 保存書庫
Recueil des travaux chimiques des pays-bas15-38は別書誌 1[1881]-14[1895], 39[1920]-42, 44-98[1979] 保存書庫
Recueil des travaux chimiques des pays-bas et de la belgique 15[1896]-38[1919] 保存書庫
Review of Scientific Instruments 4[1933]-37,38(1-5,7-12),39-71[2000] 19
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
S Scientific American 2009+ 新着雑誌架
Solid State Communications 53(1-3, 5-12)[1985], 54-116[2000] 19
Surface Science 1[1964]-602[2007] 19
Symposia of the Faraday Society 2[1968]-5[1971]  
Synthesis 1969[1969]+ 20
Synlett 2004[2004]+ 20
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
T Tetrahedron 29(1-5, 7-24)[1973], 30(1-2, 4-24), 31-32, 33(1-13, 15-24), 34(1-6, 8-24), 35-55[1999] 20
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 1[1990]-10 [1999] 20
Tetrahedron Letters 1966-1970, 1971(1-10, 12-52), 1972(1-43, 45-52), 1973(1-5, 7-52), 1974(1-9, 11-52), 1975-1976, 1977(1-33, 35-52), 1978-1979;21-42[2001] 20
Transactions of the Faraday Society 1[1905]-67[1971] 21
  TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.
Z Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie 56[1952]-66[1962] 21
Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und angewandte physikalische Chemie    継続誌あり 52[1948]-55[1951] 21
Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde 14[1922]-69[1978] 金相
Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie137-191は別書誌 1[1887]-136[1928]192[1943]-235, 236(1-4), 237-245, 248-254, 255(2-6), 256-258[1977] 21
Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie. Abt. A, 137[1928]-191[1943] 21
Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Neue Folge 27[1961]-56, 57(3-6), 58-81[1972] 21


TITLE HOLD Shelf or Lab.




3334[1999]+ 継続中


68[1998] + 継続中


53[1998] + 継続中


1[1948]-19, 20(1-5, 8-12), 21-24, 25(1-6), 26, 27(1-7, 9, 11-12), 28, 29(2-9, 11-12), 30-31, 32(1-3, 5-12), 33-61+ 継続中






28[1998]-35, 36(1-8), 37(5, 7-12), 38(1-6, 10-12), 39(1-4), 2006(9-12), 2007(1-4)+ 継続中