トップページ >> イベント >> 共催シンポジウム2010/9/20Japanese page only

"Fluctuation and Function of Biomolecules"

Ryota Iino (Osaka University), Kiichiro Totani (Seikei University)
The structures of biomolecules such as proteins, DNA and lipid membranes are not static but dynamically fluctuating under the physiological condition. The fluctuations are known to induce various effects on the individual biomolecules. Recently, although the importance of fluctuation is widely accepted, the variety of these effects hampered to understand molecular basis on how fluctuation correlates with biological function. In this symposium, researchers who are trying to understand this issue using various approaches such as bioorganic chemistry, spectroscopy, molecular simulation, live-cell imaging, and single-molecule method will get together. The subjects include fluctuation of proteins (i.e. motor protein, glycoprotein processing enzyme, transcription factor), DNA (i.e. DNA-water and DNA-protein interaction) and lipid membranes (i.e. domain formation of lipid bilayer, two-dimensional Brownian motion of lipid in bilayer). Current status of our understandings and future perspectives towards fluctuation of biomolecules will be argued comprehensively and thoroughly.


  1. 飯野亮太(大阪大学) 「回転モータータンパク質の揺らぎと機能」
    Ryota Iino (Osaka University) “Fluctuation and function of a rotary motor protein”
  2. 戸谷希一郎(成蹊大学) 「細胞内外の特殊環境場における酵素の性状」
    Kiichiro Totani (Seikei University) “Enzymatic property under intra- and extracellular specific environments”
  3. 菅瀬謙治(サントリー生物有機科学研究所) 「核内タンパク質の揺らぎと機能」
    Kenji Sugase (Suntory Institute for Bioorganic Research) “Fluctuation and function of nuclear proteins”
  4. 米谷佳晃(日本原子力研究開発機構) 「DNAと相互作用する水とタンパク質のダイナミクス解析」
    Yoshiteru Yonetani (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) “Dynamics of water and proteins interacting with DNA”
  5. 横田浩章(京都大学) 「DNA-タンパク質間相互作用の1分子イメージング」
    Hiroaki Yokota (Kyoto University) “Single-molecule imaging of DNA-protein interactions”
  6. 樺山一哉(東海大学) 「膜受容体の側方拡散を制御する糖脂質マイクロドメイン」
    Kazuya Kabayama (Tokai University) “Glycolipid-enriched microdomain control lateral diffusion of membrane receptors”
  7. 手老龍吾(分子科学研究所)「脂質二重膜内での微小構造の形成と分子拡散挙動への影響」
    Ryugo Tero (Institute for Molecular Science) “Micro-structure formation and its effect on molecular diffusion in lipid bilayer membranes”
飯野亮太(大阪大学 産業科学研究所)
Ryota Iino (The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)
〒567-0047 大阪府茨木市美穂ヶ丘8-1
E-mail: iino@sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp
Tel: 06-6879-8481, Fax: 06-6875-5724
戸谷希一郎(成蹊大学 理工学部)
Kiichiro Totani (Faculty of Science and Technology, Seikei University)
〒180-8633 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺北町3-3-1
E-mail: ktotani@st.seikei.ac.jp
Tel: 0422-37-3745, Fax: 0422-37-3871