Venue and Location
The venue for the symposium will be Todaiji Culture Center (東大寺総合文化センター), located inside the Todaiji Museum in the Nara Park (奈良公園).

Access from the JR Nara Station (JR奈良駅) or the Kintetsu Nara Station (近鉄奈良駅)
•By bus from the JR Nara Station (9 min, 220 yen)
Take the bus "奈良市内循環線(外回り)" from the bus stop N-1 "JR奈良駅(東口)" at the east-side of the JR Nara station, and get off at the bus stop N-7 "東大寺大仏殿・春日大社前".
•By bus from the Kintetsu Nara station
Route 1 (4 min, 220 yen): Take the bus "奈良市内循環線(外回り)" from the bus stop N-3 "近鉄奈良駅" at the Kintetsu Nara station, and get off at the bus stop N-7 "東大寺大仏殿・春日大社前".
Route 2 (4 min, 100 yen): Take the bus "ぐるっとバス" from the bus stop B5 or R7 "近鉄奈良駅" at the Kintetsu Nara Station, and get off at the bus stop B8 or R1 "大仏殿前駐車場".
•On foot (about 30 min)
For details, please refer to the Todaiji official web site.
Map of the Nara Park

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