
DNA Nanotechnology Group



Please feel free to contact us.

Masayuki Endo

endo(at)kuchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp (at)=@



This research is suported by the following research grants.

JSPS KAKENHI Fostering Joint International Research (B)
JSPS Inovative Area「Molecular Robotics」(2012-16)
JSPS KAKENHI (S) (2012-20)
JSPS KAKENHI (B) (2012-14) (2015-17)
JSPS KAKENHI (houga) (2014-15) (2016-17)
JSPS ICC programe (2011-13) (2014-16)
JST CREST (2008-14)
WPI research grant (2008-16)

Heiwa Nakajima Foundation (2020)
Nakatani Foundation (2019)
The Uehara Memorial Foundation (2018-19)
The Kyoto University Foundation (2018)
The Naito Foundation (2016-17)
The NOVARTIS Foundation (2016)
The Kurata Memorial Hitachi Science and Technology Foundation (2015)
The Sekisui Kagaku Grant Program (2014)
The Mitsubishi Foundation (2013-14)
The Asahi Glass Foundation (2013-14)
Nagase Science and Technology Foundation (2012)
Iketani Science and Technology Foundation (2011)
The Sumitomo Foundation (2010, 2011)
Tokuyama Science Foundation (2008)


DNA Nanotechnology Group
Graduate School of Science
Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences
Kyoto University

Yoshida-ushinomiyacho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501