Laboratory / Equipments

Thermo Nicolet
NEXUS 670 FT-IR Spectrometer
When a sample is irradiated with infrared light, some of it is absorbed by the sample and the other is transmitted. Since the infrared energy corresponds to the energy levels of molecular vibration and rotation, the obtained spectrum can be used to study the molecular structure of the sample.
This device can be used for measurement using the transmission method.

V-770 UV-visible/NIR Spectrophotometer
When a sample is irradiated with ultraviolet, visible, or near-infrared light, some of the light is absorbed by the sample and the other is transmitted. The energy of these lights corresponds to the energy levels of the electronic transitions of the molecule, so the obtained spectra can be used to determine the electronic state of the sample.

MSV-370 Microscopic UV-visible/NIR Spectrophotometer
When a sample is irradiated with ultraviolet, visible, or near-infrared light, some of the light is absorbed by the sample and the other is transmitted. The energy of these lights corresponds to the energy levels of the electronic transitions of the molecule, so the obtained spectra can be used to determine the electronic state of the sample.
This device can be used for measurement using microscopy images.

AVANCEII+ NMR spectrometer
UltraShield Plus Superconducting magnet (9.4 T)
This is a solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) apparatus. We can evaluate electronic states and dynamics of molecules/ions of samples by using nuclei as probes. MAS and PFG experiments can be also performed.
Resonance frequency for 1H: 400 MHz
Frequency range: 10 ~ 175 MHz, 370 ~ 420 MHz
Temperature range: 4 ~ 473 K (depending on experiments)
Nuclear species: 1H, 2H etc. (Various nuclei can be investigated by changing experimental setting.)

TG-DTA 2000SA / MS 9610
Simultaneous thermogravimetry-mass spectroscopy apparatus
We can evaluate the thermal decompositions of sample. Simultaneous measurements of thermogravimetry (TG) of sample and mass spectroscopy (MS) of decomposed components is possible.
Mass spectrometry is available up to m/z = 410.
Thermogravimetric analysis can be performed from room temperature to 1500 ℃.
The degassing system enables easy gas replacement and drying.

Differential scanning calorimetry apparatus
DSC 3500 Sirius
We can detect the heat originates from reactions or phase transitions of sample on temperature changing process.
Temperature range: 123 K~873 K

This is a LCR meter capable of measuring high resistance.
By using a cryostat and incubator, a wide range of variable temperature and humidity experiments can be performed.
Temperature range: 4~475 K

High-speed one-dimensional detector D/TeX Ultra enables measurements with intensities 100 times stronger than conventional methods.Can be measured under gas condition you want, using sample holder .
Can be measured with low background using Si non-reflective sample plate.
Sample rotation reduces the effect of orientation.
Real-time angle correction system and counter monochromator etc, Increase
basic performance.

Advance-Rico inc
Arc-Plasma method NP Deposition System APD-2P
New nanoparticle deposition system using pulse vacuum arc discharge

Rapid Powder X-Ray Diffractometer (BRUKER D8)
One-dimensional Position Sensitive Detector (PSD): conventional one-hour measurement can be done in about one minute, and conventional scintillation counter method is also available.
Variable temperature: 77-700K
Rotating sample table (suitable for Rietveld Refinement)
Parallel beam method, focused beam method (capillary measurement possible)
Horizontal sample table (for measurement of liquids and low-viscosity samples)
TOPAS Refinement software (Rietveld Refinement and structural modeling support software)
Non-reflective sample plate (for trace samples)
Gas introduction in-situ measurement is possible (to investigate gas adsorption)

eppendorf himac co., Ltd.
Small ultracentrifuge CS 100FNX
Maximum rotation speed 100000 rpm, maximum centrifugal acceleration 571000 x g, It can also be used for particles of several nanometers, which were difficult to centrifuge generally.
In-use temperature 0-40 °
Thermo module cooling system adopted.

Custom glove box system
Can be synthesized under an inert gas.Oxygen concentration can be controlled from several ppm to several tens of ppm

The apparatus allows us to evaluate crystallinity and orientation of the sample through X-ray diffraction.

Auto gas/vapor sorption analyzer BELSORP-18 PLUS
In addition to the normal sorption measurement, this apparatus can analyze the sorption amount with high sensitivity by keeping the system temperature high and avoiding the sorption at the wall.

XtaLAB P200
Rigaku Corporation
Single-crystal X-ray diffractometer XtaLAB P200 incorporated DECTRIS PILATUS 200K hybrid pixel array detector
By irradiating X-ray to the single crystal, in which the direction of atomic order was completely same in one crystal, we can determine the spatial distribution of electron density and structure. The setup for the high pressure measurement using Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) is available.

ZSX PrimusIV
X-ray fluorescence
This device is used to measure the intrinsic X-rays generated by irradiating a sample with X-rays to determine the elements contained in the sample and their proportions.

SU-1510 Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM)
By detecting the secondary electrons emitted by irradiating a sample with an electron beam, the surface microstructure of a sample can be observed on a nanometer scale.

JASCO corporation
Laser Raman spectrometer NRS-5100
By irradiating laser to the sample, the vibration modes causing the change of polarizability can be measured.
Our lab has three kinds of laser sources, and variable temperature measurement is available.

Transmission Electron Microscope
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
TEM is a device for observing a sample by irradiating it with an electron beam and detecting the transmitted electrons.
EDX can be used to examine the constituent elements and their proportions by detecting the characteristic X-rays emitted when a sample is irradiated with an electron beam.

Rapid Powder X-Ray Diffractometer (BRUKER D8)
One-dimensional Position Sensitive Detector (PSD): conventional one-hour measurement can be done in about one minute, and conventional scintillation counter method is also available.
Variable temperature: 77-700K
Rotating sample table (suitable for Rietveld Refinement)
Parallel beam method, focused beam method (capillary measurement possible)
Horizontal sample table (for measurement of liquids and low-viscosity samples)
TOPAS Refinement software (Rietveld Refinement and structural modeling support software)
Non-reflective sample plate (for trace samples)
Gas introduction in-situ measurement is possible (to investigate gas adsorption)

Microtrac MRB co., Ltd.
Catalytic reaction system BEL REACTOR-HT-MS-2
A gas reactor for evaluating various solid-gas catalytic reactions.
Compatible with various conditions such as corrosive gas, high pressure, parallel multi-sample, and fully automatic.

Biotage Japan
Microwave synthesis Initiator+ eight
Microwave synthesis Initiator eight
By irradiating microwave to the sample tube, we can synthesize with controlled temperature (40-300 ℃), pressure (0-30 bar) and irradiation power (0-400 W).
The robot was installed on this apparatus, and it can automatically perform multisamples (up to eight) in a program.

flow reactor
flow reactor
This is a reactor that allows chemical reactions to proceed by continuously flowing a solvent and precursor solution. Reactions can be carried out under reaction conditions of up to 500 ℃ and 30 MPa.

flow reactor
flow reactor
Advantageous for reactions that require accurate reaction control in nanoparticle synthesis, etc.
Can be synthesized under high pressure and high temperature, which cannot be achieved normally.
Mass synthesis is also possible.

flow reactor
flow reactor
Advantageous for reactions that require accurate reaction control in nanoparticle synthesis, etc.
Can be synthesized under high pressure and high temperature, which cannot be achieved normally.
Mass synthesis is also possible.

H CH Instruments
Electrochemical Analyzer ALS760E
Since chemical reactions in the sample cell can be detected electrically, the electrical properties and catalytic performance of the sample can be investigated through CV (cyclic voltammetry), OER (oxygen evolution reaction) and HER (hydrogen evolution reaction) measurements.

Pretreatment instrument BELPREP VAC II
This apparatus processes the heating treatment under vacuum to remove solvent and exactly measure specific surface area or pore size distribution.

Bersorp mini
自動比表面積/細孔分布測定装置 BELSORP-MINI
This apparatus measures specific surface area and pore size distribution for non-corrosive gas (N2, H2, CH4,・・・).

Bersorp max
Surface area and size distribution analyzer BELSORP MAX
This apparatus enables the analysis of surface area and size distribution with wider range of adsorbates, the vapor of solvent such as water as well as non-corrosive gas.

Bersorp HP
High pressure gas sorption measurement BELSORP HP
This apparatus provides useful information for high pressure adsorption property up to 13.5 MPa.
A variety of measurement/pretreatment temperature can be chosen from 77 to 673 K.

Microtrac MRB co., Ltd.
catalyst analyzer
BELCAT II is the catalyst analyzer of choice for researchers in the according fields and enables comprehensive catalyst evaluation by using the following techniques:

Spectrum 100R FT-IR Spectrometer
When a sample is irradiated with infrared light, some of it is absorbed by the sample and the other is transmitted. Since the infrared energy corresponds to the energy levels of molecular vibration and rotation, the obtained spectrum can be used to study the molecular structure of the sample.
This device can be used for measurement using the diffuse reflection method.

V-570 UV-visible/NIR Spectrophotometer
When a sample is irradiated with ultraviolet, visible, or near-infrared light, some of the light is absorbed by the sample and the other is transmitted. The energy of these lights corresponds to the energy levels of the electronic transitions of the molecule, so the obtained spectra can be used to determine the electronic state of the sample.

By applying a DC voltage between the target and the sample to be filmed in a vacuum state, the plasmaized gas molecules collide with the target, and the target particles are blown away and adhere to the sample to form a film.

RF sputtering equipment SVC-700RFII
By applying an AC voltage between the target and the sample to be filmed in a vacuum, the plasmaized gas molecules collide with the target, and the target particles are blown away and adhere to the sample to form a film. Since the AC voltage is used, insulating targets can be used.

ICPE-9000 ICP-AES spectrometer
By dissolving a sample in an acid solution and measuring the concentration of elements in the solution, the amount of elements contained in the sample can be determined. Simultaneous measurement of multiple elements is also possible, making it suitable for composition analysis.

ESCA-3400 X-ray photoelectron spectrometer
The sample is irradiated with X-rays, and the oxidation
state is evaluated by measuring the energy of
photoelectrons ejected from the sample surface.

Yamahachi & Co., Ltd.
OMNI-LAB 2BOX 4-gloves glovebox
This is suitable for handling samples that must be synthesized or stored in an inert atmosphere. It is kept under Ar atmosphere (O2 concentration: below 1 ppm).

Gas chromatograph mass spectrometer GCMS-QP2010 Ultra
In the temperature range 35-600 ℃, mass spectrum was recorded by electron ionization method. In addition to the typical gas chromatograph measurement, we can measure with direct injection method, where the sample was introduced directly to the ionization source.

Lamp pumped solid state laser Q-smart 450
This YAG laser stably irradiates the pulsed energy up to 450 mJ from and used for laser ablation or pulsed laser deposition. In addition to the normal 1032 nm irradiation, second (532 nm) and third (355 nm) harmonic wavelength is available.

Hydrogen ion beam apparatus
Hydrogen ion irradiates the sample with a maximum acceleration voltage of 5 kV.
In situ transport measurements can be performed simultaneously.