March 20, 2017 Graduation presentation and farewell party were held.

Cheers for your good works !

Haraguchi-san moves out to Tokyo University of Science.

Ikebuchi, Ishida, and Watanabe go to other laboratories. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.
March 3, 2017 We were given a lecture by Prof. Kazuya Suzuki from Yokohama National University.

Thank you very much, Prof. Suzuki.
February 7, 2017 Master thesis presentation has been held.

January 31, 2017 We held welcome party for Prof. George Shimizu and Ms. Lee.

Prof. George Shimizu gave us greeting comments.

His family also attended.
Ms. Lee came from Gachon University.

Please enjoy our laboratory!
January 18, 2017 The Doctor Thesis Defense of Mr. Hashiguchi took place.

Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D, Mr. Hashiguchi!
January 12, 2017 We were given a lecture by Prof. Masahiro Yamashita from Tohoku University.

Thank you very much, Prof. Yamashita.
December 27, 2016 We held an year-end party.

Prof. Kitagawa made a short speech.

Enjoying the food and the chat

Sincere lecture from teachers and seniors.
We had an after-party. We hope it will be a brilliant year.
November 18, 2016 We were given a lecture by Prof. Miho Yamauchi from Kyushu University.

Thank you very much, Prof. Yamauchi.
December 1, 2016 We celebrated the birthday of Prof. Kitagawa with cake.

November 18, 2016 We were given a lecture by Prof. Lahcène Ouahab from CNRS - Université de Rennes 1.

Thank you very much, Prof. Lahcène.
October 20, 2016 A softball tournament among Department of Chemistry took place.

They pitched well.

However we were plagued by the opponent's balls.

After all our hard work we lost.

We held a drinking party after the game.
September 27, 2016 A farewell party for Dr.Otake was held.


Some students and staffs made a speech for Dr.Otake.

Also he made a speech and expressed his gratitude.
We pray that he will continue his good work.
September 2, 2016 We were given a lecture by Prof. Akemi Funatsu and Prof. Ryo Ohtani from Kumamoto University.

Thank you very much, Prof. Funatsu and Prof. Ohtani.
August 23, 2016 We held a wrap-up party for undergraduate students.

Prof. Otsubo gave an address for them.
We ate grilled meat.

Now you should change your attitude and concentrate on your graduation research, undergrads.
July 25-26, 2016 We went to the laboratory trip to Iga.

Iga Ueno Castle.

Iga is famous for Ninja, so we could meet many Ninjas.

He threw a shuriken, a weapon of Ninja.

Dinner time.
We had a very good time.
July 19, 2016 The doctoral defence of Otake-san was held.

Otake-san is motivating himself before the performance.

He performed his presentation flawlessly.
Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D !

Otake-san is as usual at his thanksgiving party.
A present from Mr. Mizuno was given from Dr. Otsubo.

All participants, from B4 students to upperclassmen celebrated his taking Ph.D.
July 15, 2016 Prof. Atsushi Urakawa, who came from The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, had a semminar.

Thank you so much, Prof. Urakawa.
May 20, 2016 A baseball tournament among Department of Chemistry took place.

We were practicing before the game.
Prof. Maesato and

Prof. Kobayashi play as good pitchers.
We won this game at 5-6.

Our team was forced into a tight game.

We lost this game at 9-5.

We relieved the day's fatigue by having a good meal.
May 19, 2016 The Doctor Thesis Defense of Mr. Haraguchi and Mr. Kawaguchi took place.

Mr. Haraguchi

Mr. Kawaguchi

At evening they held a thank-you party for teachers.

Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D, Mr. Haraguchi and Mr. Kawaguchi!
April 19, 2016 We held a welcome party for Mr. Mizuno and Dr.Wang.

Mr.Mizuno, an intellectual property producer greeted us.

The right person is Dr.Wang, a new PD.
We took a group photograph.

We had an after-party and had a good time.
April 4, 2016 We held a welcome party for newcomers of this academic year.

The left person is Kentaro Aoki, new B4 student.

The fourth person from the right is Naoki Araki, new B4 student.
The right person is Kodai Ishida, new B4 student.

The middle person is Masaki Donosita, new B4 student.
The left person is Yuki Watanabe, new B4 student.

Naoki Ogiwara is new D1 student who is from graduate school of engineering.
New PD Lim-san participated with his family.
March 23, 2016 We had a memorial meeting for M2 student Tsukada who passed away on January 21th.

We prayed his soul may rest in peace.
February 11-12, 2016 JST-CREST/ACCEL Meeting took place at Arima, Hyogo Pref.

A lot of researchers from different fields attended this meeting.
This is the presentation from Kitagawa Group.

It became a very meaningful meeting.
January 12, 2016 The Doctor Thesis Defense of Mr. Fujie took place.

Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D, Mr. Fujie!
January 8, 2016 A farewell party for Alessandro was held.

We had yakiniku.

He seems to become familiar with Japan and Kitagawa-Lab in spite of short stay.

Some students and staffs made a speech for Alessandro.

Also he made a speech and expressed his gratitude.
With Prof. Kitagawa
December 26, 2015 A year-end-party took place.

Enjoying the food and the chat

He is a good drinker.

Old boys (Nakanishi-san, Sakaida-san, and so on) gathered.

Heated debate
Leading figures of Kitagawa-Lab

We had an after-party. We hope it will be a brilliant year.
December 11, 2015 A welcome party for Sasaki-san was held.

Prof. Kitagawa made a speech as usual.

Over the delicious food the conversation took a lively turn.
Sasaki-san serves as an academic affairs assistant.

His forefinger is pointed at Nakayama(D1).
Otake(D3) seems to want to partake in conversation.

Asakawa(M2) struggles to a chewy cutlet.
The party ended with a group photo including Sasaki-san.
December 2, 2015 We celebrated the birthday of Prof. Kitagawa with cake.

November 13, 2015 We were given a lecture by Dr. Kazuhiko Yamada from Kochi University.

Thank you very much, Dr. Yamada.
November 4, 2015 A softball tournament among Department of Chemistry took place.

We warmed up our arms by playing catch.
The first opponent was the members of Maruoka Lab.

The international student Alessandro and
Prof. Kobayashi also joined.

Asakawa(M2) is getting on base.
Despite our effort, the opposing team kept our team's bat silent.

We completely lost by a score of 20 to 1.
Prof. Kitagawa and Dr. Komatsu participated in a drinking party after the game.
October 21, 2015 A welcome party for newcomers took place.

Gouda-san is stationed in Kitagawa Laboratory to take charge of a project.

Alessandro came from Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia in Italy.
September 25, 2015 A beer garden was held at 6th building of Faculty of Science.

August 28, 2015 We held a welcome and farewell party.

This is steamed pork.

Godart-san had served as an academic affairs assistant.

Students and staffs made words of thanks.

She had supported students or research fellows from foreign countries such as Zhang(D1).
Godart-san, thank you for your jobs! See you again!

Fujiwara-san comes back to Kitagawa Lab as an academic affairs assistant. Welcome back!
August 18, 2015 We held a wrap-up party for undergraduate students.

A main dish was grilled meat.
※Pictures cannot be seen well due to smoke from grills.

Turn over a new leaf and do your best for the graduation researches.
July 19-20, 2015 We went to the laboratory trip to Hikone and Nagahama.

This day was hot.
Hikone Castle.

Dinner was BBQ.

After-party. Matsumoto(OB) and Hirata(B4) performed a dance.

Breakfast was free refiles on rice.
This is a photo of Biwako Lake from the vicinity of Biwako Museum.

It was a good scenery enough to want to visit again.
July 17, 2015 We held a farewell party for Assistant Prof. Jared Michael Taylor , who goes back to his homeland Canada.

Prof. Kitagawa made a speech.

We also invited Mrs.Taylor and the Taylors' son.
M2 student Tsukada made words of thanks for the research instruction from Jared.

Each of students and staffs made a speech.

A bouquet and a message board were sent to Jared.
Thank you very much, Jared! We wish you success in your current endeavors.
June 29-30, 2015 We invited Prof. Tamotsu Inabe from Hokkaido University and were given a special lecture.

It was an intensive course for 2 days about solid state chemistry of molecular solids.

After his intensive course he gave a lecture.

Thank you for your lecture, Prof. Inabe.
June 19, 2015 We invited Prof. Masahiro Yamashita from Tohoku University and were given a lecture.

His lecture was so beneficial.
June 4, 2015 We invited Prof. Zhiqun Lin from Georgia Institute of Technology and were given a lecture.

Thank you very much for a wonderful lecture.
May 14, 2015 A baseball tournament among Department of Chemistry took place.

We were practicing before the game.
This is a scenery of a warming-up.

The first opponent was Matsumoto Lab. D1 student Dekura and
M1 student Tomeno did great things. We won this game at 6-2!

Under fine weather, the game got excited.
We lost the second game but each one enjoyed.

This is a scenery of a drinking party after the games. All your efforts today were very much appreciated!
April 7, 2015 We held welcome party for newcomers with Teranishi Lab, which locates in Uji campus.

Prof.Kitagawa gave a toast to a drink.
The new B4 student Tetsuya Ikebuchi. He is an American football player.

The new B4 student Youjiro Kimura. He takes charge of the telephone of students'room.
The new B4 student Keigo Kobayashi. It's me writing this page.

The new B4 student Naoya Suzuki. He is from Itami.
The new B4 student Yusho Hirata. He takes charge of B4 seminers.

The new M1 student Shin-ya Tomeno. He came from Aruga Lab.
Thank you very much!
February 16, 2015 We had an exchange meeting with Teranishi-Lab.

Prof.Teranishi gave a toast to a drink.
We have some common feature in field of research.

Some students transfered to Teranishi-Lab from Kitagawa-Lab.
The party was exciting.

Prof.Kitagawa and Prof.Teranishi are longtime friends and rivals in research.
Prof.Kitagawa gave a closing call.

This party was planned and implemented by Matsumoto, who was B4 student at Kitagawa-Lab during 2013, and now M1 student at Teranishi-Lab.
Thanks for your good job!
February 3, 2015 After master thesis deffense, we had an appriciation party for M2 students.

"Great jobs!" from Prof.Kitagawa to Dekura, Nakayama and Nagayama.
Say cheers with beers!

Some secret chatting?
Be awared!

Matsuken came to give his congratulations.
December 2, 2014 We had a welcoming party for Dr.Dai, who came our lab as a post-doc.

December 2, 2014 We celebrated Prof.Kitagawa's birthday(12/5) and had a large cake.

November 18, 2014 We invited Prof.P.S.Mukherjee from India and were given a lecture.

November 7, 2014 A welcome party for newcommers and farewell party for Anna-san was held.

Professor. Mukherjee from Inidian institute of science

Dongshuang Wu-san from China.
See you again, Anna-san.

November 6, 2014 We joined a softball tounament.

Nice batting!

Hit! and Run!

We won onece and losed once.
November 4, 2014 Commemorative photoes: Best Presentation Award and Best Poster Award at the 8th annual meeting of Japan society for molecular science.

Kawaguti won Best Presentation Award.
Nakayama won Best Poster Award.

October 31, 2014 Professor Tiesheng Li from Zhengzhou University lectured us.

The title was "Fabrication and Catalytic Properties of Order Cyclopalladated Imine Film."

October 6, 2014 We held a wellcome party for Anna-san, Zhang-san and Chris-san.

Anna-san, who came from Germany, will stay this laboratory for 5 weeks.

Chris-san, also who came from Germany, will stay for 3 days.
Zhang-san will join us as a D1 student from April.

September 26, 2014 Li-san held a thanksgiving party of her aquisition of PhD.

Lots of jiaozi were made.
And casseroles

Everyone, thank you and cheers
September 19, 2014 The thesis defense of Li-san(D3) was conducted.

Li-san did not seem so nervous.

September 8, 2014 Prof.Hino, the professor of Ehime University came to our laboratory and gave us lectures.

The topic of today was encapsulated fullerenes.

August 19, 2014 We held a wrap-up party for undergraduate students.

Congratulations! They've finished their entrance exam of graduate school.
August 4, 2014 We held a welcome and farewell party.

Greeting from Prof.Kitagawa

Fujiwara-san also came to celebrate.
Muramoto-san left here. Thank her for her great jobs!

Welcome to Kitagawa Lab, Murase-san. She is an academic affairs assistant.
And she is Godart-san, is an academic affairs assistant, as well.
July 26-27, 2014 We went to the laboratory trip to Shirahama.

Shirahama was a fine beach.
It was hot, and swimming was joyfull.

BBQ for the dinner
A sunset of Shirahama.

After the dinner, we had a party at the hotel.
We want to visit Shirahama again.
May 20, 2014 The baseball tournament was held.

The opponent team was Kinso lab.

We lost at 14-0.
May 12, 2014 Welcome party for Hsu-san was held.

Prof. Kobayashi took the toast.

He is Hsu-san,an abroad student from Taiwan.
April 4, 2014 New academic year was begun.

People of the far right is Yuji Omata, a Visitting Resercher from this April.
People of the far left is Prof. Kohei Kusada, a Specific Assistant Professor from this April.

People of the far left is Takuo Wakisaka, a fresh B4 student.
The second people from the left is Yoshimasa Aoyama, also a fresh B4 student.

The left people is Shing Gyom Kim, also a fresh B4 student.

Fresh people, welcome to our laboratory.