March 23, 2020 B4の卒論発表会が行われました。

March 18, 2020 The farewell party of Prof.Kobayashi, Mr.Aoyama, Mr.Wakisaka and Mr.Kawarazaki

February 3, 2020 The farewell party of Prof.Lim, an after-party for Master thesi presentation of Mr.Moriyama and a welcome-party for Prof.Maiyong Zhu

January 14, 2020 The doctoral thesis defense of Mr. Wakisaka was held.

Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D !
Thanksgiving party was held by Mr. Wakisaka.

December 12, 2019 The farewell party of Prof.Natarajan

November 29, 2019 Prof. Masuda give a lecture.

November 12, 2019 Dr.Jared M.Taylor give a lecture.

November 11, 2019 After the lecture of Prof.Ben Slater, drinking party was held. We held a welcome party for Huang-san.

November 11, 2019 Prof.Ben Slater give a lecture

August 1-2, 2019 研究室旅行で小豆島に行ってきました!



June 26, 2019 The farewell party of Dr. Andhika & Mrs.Murase

I got colored paper and a bouquet from the lab.

Mr. Andhika gave a greeting.
Mrs. Murase gave a greeting.
May 16, 2019 The baseball tournament of Division of Chemistry took place.

Senior students have a lunch but Yamashita seems concentrating.
The first opponent was a combined team of Teranishi and Wakamiya Labs.

Kobayashi is looking for a chance to get to the next base.

First we followed the opponent team but finally lost the game.

The final score was 6-3.
May 9, 2019 Farewell party for Alessandro and Welcome party for Prof. Natarajan was held.

Prof. Kitagawa introduced Prof. Natarajan(right in the photo) at the begining.

Prof. Natarajan comes from Bangalore, India. He stays for 10 months.
For Alessandro, D2 student Kimura and

Assistant Prof. Kusada gave farewell addresses.
Also Alessandro gave a speech for us.

May you have a good works on your home country !
April 2, 2019 We held a welcome party for newcomers of this academic year.

We had "sukiyaki" this time.

Prof. Kobayashi proposed a toast.
The left person in the front is Yosuke Hara and the right is Fumiaki Yamatsu. They are new D1 and B4 respectively.

He is Yohan Lee, new foreign M1 student.
He is Yuta Yamashita, new B4 student.

The second to the right is Ryo Kawarazaki and the third is Shun Shimada, new B4 and M1, respectively.
February 26, 2019 Associate professor Nagao from JAIST gave a lecture.

February 4, 2019 Master thesis presentation has been held.


December 17, 2018 Professor Azuma from Tokyo institude of Technology gave a lecture.

Norvenber 16, 2018 The doctoral thesis defense of Mr. Dekura and Mr. Nakayama was held.

Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D !
Thanksgiving party was held by Mr. Dekura, Mr. Nakayama and Mr. Zhang.

Norvenber 12, 2018 Professor Deng from wuhan university gave a lecture.

September 30 - October 4, 2018 Americas International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State Science (AiMES2018) was held in Cancun, Mexico.

Mr. Ogiwara received best poster award at H07 section "Electronics and Photonics, Energy Technology, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry and Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry".
September 18, 2018 After the lecture of Prof. Chandrabhas Narayana, drinking party was held.

August 21, 2018 The wrap-up party for B4 students was held.

This time we had a grilled meat.

Turn over a new leaf and do your best for the graduation researches.
July 23-24, 2018 The laboratory trip bound for Obama, Fukui prefecture, took place.

We took a ship from Wakasa Fisherman's Wharf for Sotomo Cruising.

It was a fine day and we enjoyed beautiful scenery.
At a hotel, there was a life-sized plate of Obama, the former president of USA.

The dinner was a traditional Japanese course one.

We made some groups for the second day. These are photos from one group at Sea Park Nyu.
Dr. Kusada got a large fish.

July 12-14, 2018 ISAFM2018(Trivandrum, India)

A reunion with Prof, Partha S. Mukherjee (middle), Dr. Madhab C. Das (right).
April 10, 2018 Welcome party for newcomers was held.

Prof. Kitagawa gave a toast.

The middle person is Makoto Unoki, new B4 student.
The middle person is Hogara Kamo, new B4 student.

The person at the forefront is Yuki Koshi, new B4 student.
The middle person is Sinnya Okazoe, new D1 student.

Marvin Sarango belongs to this laboratory as a research student.
March 12, 2018 The doctoral thesis defense of Zhang-san was held.

Zhang-san looks relaxing.

Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D !
January 30, 2018 We held a welcome-party for two Prof. Li from China.

The dish was sukiyaki, too.

Li-san was a student or a postdocs in Kitagawa Lab before.

Prof. Li stays in Kitagawa Lab for short period.
December 26, 2017 We held an year-end party.

This time we went to a sukiyaki restaurant.

New member, Osawa-san and Li-san gave short speeches.

Graduates also came to this party.

October 7, 2017 The 11th Japan-China Joint Conference on Cluster was held.

Prof. Kitagawa, students, and postdocs participated.
September 27, 2017
A farewell party for Dr. Hashiguchi and a welcome party for Ms. Shimizu was held.

Dr. Hashiguchi will work for a company.

Students and staffs gave parting words.

A message board and a bouquet were given by Prof.Otsubo.
Ms. Shimizu, a new academic affairs assistant, also gave a short speech.

August 29, 2017 A farewell party for Sasaki-san was held.

Prof. Kitagawa gave a short speech.

Students and staffs gave a thanksgiving words.
She had been occupied for almost 2 years.

A message board and a bouquet were presented to her.
August 2-3, 2017 The laboratory trip bound for Awaji took place.

We had a break at Awaji SA. There was an eye-catching Ferris wheel.
A sightseeing boat departed from a port.

The boat approached to Naruto whirlpools.

This is a scenery of the dinner at the hotel.

A group activity was held on the 2nd day. These are taken at "England-Hill".

June 30, 2017 We held a farewell party for Prof. George Shimizu.

Prof. Maesato gave a toast 's greetings.

Prof. Takaishi who was lectured the other day was also attended.

Prof. Shimizu also gave a short speech.

Wish you well, Prof. Shimizu!
June 27, 2017 Prof. Shinya Takaishi from Tohoku Univ. gave a lecture.

It was a lecture by the presenter from Ikeda Lab, and it was a lively discussion.
May 26, 2017 Huang-san's thanksgiving party and Yamamoto-san's farewell party were held together.

Mizuno-san gave them a "Today's star" tasuki.

They received a congratulatory message from Prof. Maesato.
Huang-san accepted words of congratulation from various people in acquiring his Ph.D.

Yamamoto-san had a sentence from the student and staff.

We wish you good success in Nagoya University, your new field!
May 24, 2017 The Doctor Thesis Defense of Huang-san was held.

Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D !
May 18, 2017 Prof. Nakai from Waseda University gave a lecture.

Thank you very much, Prof. Nakai!
April 11, 2017 Welcome party for newcomers as well as Thank-you party was held.

Prof. Kitagawa gave a toast.
New B4 student Moriyama and

New postdoc Yoshida-san had speeches.
Hashiguchi-san and Yamamoto-san, who took Ph.D conveyed their gratitudes.

April 6, 2017 The Doctor Thesis Defense of Yamamoto-san was held.

Congratulations for your taking a Ph.D !