

1. Reaction dynamics of biological molecules

(A) Photosensor proteins
  (1) photoactive yellow protein (PYP)
    Conformation change in time-domain, thermodynamics of intermediates
  (2) octopus rhodopsin
  (3) sensory rhodopsin
    (i) sensory rhodopsin from Natronobacterium pharaonis
     Reaction scheme and the interaction with the transducer
    (ii) Anabaena sensory rhodopsin
  (4) LOV proteins
    (a) phototropin from Arabidopsis thaliana
      (i) Phot1LOV1
        dimerization and tetramerization
      (ii) Phot1LOV2, Phot1LOV2-linker
        conformation changs of the linker (Ja helix)
      (iii) Phot2LOV1, Phot2LOV1-hinge
      (iv) Phot2LOV2, Phot2LOV2-linker
        conformation changs of the linker (Ja helix) and A'a helix
      (v) Phot2LOV2-kinase
      (vi) Phot2LOV1-LOV2
    (b) phototropin from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
    (c) Aureochrome
      Determination of reaction scheme and the dynamics of Aureochrome-LOV and full length          Aureochrome
    (d) FKF1
      Determination of reaction scheme and the dynamics, Role of the linker region
    (e) YtvA
  (5) BLUF proteins
    (a) YcgF
    (b) AppA
      Time-resoleved detection of dimerization reaction
    (c) PixD
      (i) SyPixD
        Determination of reaction scheme and the dynamics
      (ii) TePixD
        Determination of reaction scheme and the dynamics, Role of fluctuation
    (d) PapB
      Interaction with PapA
  (6) chryptochrome
    Time-resoleved detection of conformation change
  (7) Phytochrome
    (a) Phytochrome of plants
    (b) bacteriophytochrome
  (8) UVR8

(B) Sensor proteins
  (1) Calmoduline
  (2) HemAT

(C) Energy conversion
  (1) reaction center
  (2) halorhodopsin

(D) DNA repair
    Dynamics of the preotien and repaired DNA

(E) Protein folding
  (1) cytochrome c
  (2) apo-plastocyanin

(F) ligand dissociation
    Determination of ligand escape route

(G) Crowding effect of protein reactions
  (1) TePixD
  (2) Phot2LOV2, Phot2LOV2-linker

(H) Physical chemistry of proteins
  (1) protein diffusion
  (2) energy transfer from photoexcited protein to solvent: Myoglobin
  (3) polypeptide diffusion
  (4) diffusion of DNA

(I) Photoresponsive DNA
    Kinetics of dissociation and recombination

2. Development of new methods to study reaction dynamics

(1) Time-resolved enthalpy change
(2) Time-resolved partial molar volume change
(3) Time-resolved heat capacity change
(4) Time-resolved thermal expansion coefficient
(5) Time-resoled compressibility
(6) Time-resolved diffusion coefficient


3. Translational diffusion process of chemically intermediate species in solution

(1) transient radicals
(2) organic molecules in the excited states


4. Dynamics of chemical reactions

(1) Release of caged proton
(2) Reaction of caged ATP
(3) Trans-cis photoisomerization of azobenzens
(4) Enol-keto photoisomerization
(5) Transient radicals
(6) pH-jump reaction
(7) reaction in supercritical fluids


5. Development of a new method to detect time-resolved circular dichroism


6. Studies of excited state dynamics using time-resolved photothermal effect

Development of transient grating or transient lens methods
Elementary step of the photothermal effect in solution

(Energy transfer process from the photoexcited molecule to solvent molecules)
  (1) Development of new techniques:
    (a) temperature grating
    (b) temperature lens
    (c) acoustic peak delay
    (d) molecular heater-molecular thermometer system
  (2) Molecular mechanism of the photothermal effect in solution
  (3) Photothermal effect and structural change inside glass

7. Development of a time-resolve transient lens method

(1) Density lens
(2) Temperature lens
(3) Optical Kerr lens
(4) Volume lens
(5) Population lens


8. Dynamics at interface

(1) Molecular diffusion at solid/liquid and gas/liquid interfaces
(2) time-resolved detection of capillary wave at gas/liquid interface


9. Others

Time-resolved EPR
CIDNP detection of EPR
Detection of the excited triplet state of isolated molecule (Supersonic expansion)
Creation of nanoparticles under high temperature and high pressure
Relaxation of energy of semi-conductor material





photo-physical-chemistry lab,京都大学大学院理学研究科 化学専攻 光物理化学研究室

Sakyoku, Kyoto, Japan
TEL +81-75-753-4026
FAX +81-75-753-4000

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